#EqualPay50 lessons series: teacher feedback
We really value your thoughts. Please fill in this short feedback form *after each lesson* to help us improve the course for our next cohort of students.

Thank you!
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Full name *
Name of school and class *
Email address *
Which lesson does this feedback refer to? *
If you made any amendments to the lesson plan, please detail the changes below and explain why you made this decision
What went well?
What didn't go so well?
Was there anything missing that you think should have been covered, or is there anything you would suggest is done differently?
 On a scale of 1-5, how well do you think the students understood the content?
1 = Not at all
5 = Fully understood
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Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the lesson? This could include, for instance, any interesting discussions or comments from students that emerged.
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