Grossmont "Early Action Emergency Grant" Application

Please note that the 2023 - 2024 semester Early Action Emergency Grant will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.00.

Current students may apply for a one time disbursement of $1,000.00 for emergency assistance per semester of attendance. Applications will be reviewed and you will receive an email from us once funds are sent. Funds will be disbursed until exhausted; if exhaustion occurs; you will be placed on a wait-list.

Please read the following requirements below as they have now changed:

**The applications will be accepted until June 25, 2024.

**You must be enrolled in classes in the current term you are applying for funds.

***Students must be enrolled in at least 6 units or more at Grossmont College to qualify for funds.

****Students must have Earned a GPA of 2.0 or more in at least one of your past 3 semesters (there is no minimum GPA requirement for new students) or be an active participant in the ARC Program. 

*****For students attending classes at Grossmont College and Cuyamaca College: you may only receive one emergency grant from one campus in a semester AND you must be enrolled in 6 or more units at either college (students enrolled in 3 units at Grossmont and 3 units at Cuyamaca do not qualify for the grant at either college).

******For student attending only Cuyamaca, you must apply for this grant at Cuyamaca. You must be taking classes at Grossmont to qualify for this grant.

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Email *
Student ID# *
First Name  *
Middle Initial 
Last Name *
Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX *
Street Address (including apt./unit#) *
City *
State  *
Zip Code *
Number of Dependents *
Are you currently registered for classes at Grossmont? *
Are you currently enrolled in 6 or more units at Grossmont College? *
Is this your first semester of college? *
For returning students only: Did you have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in one of the three previous semesters? *
Are you an active member of Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) at Grossmont College? *
Did you apply for the emergency funds from Cuyamaca College? *
What is your major? *
Are you earning a Certificate? *
If yes, in what subject?
Are you earning an Associate Degree? *
If yes, in what subject?
Are you planning to Transfer? *
If yes, to what school?
Emergencies happen without warning, but there are some instances that we can foresee coming. In an effort to plan for the future, Grossmont College can provide the following resources. Please indicate which resources, if any, you are interested in receiving. Check all that apply.
Total Amount Requesting - Up to $1,000 *
Are you a part of any of the following special programs: *

Have you submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2023-2024 school year? If no, you are encouraged to as you may qualify for additional funds. Please visit to submit an application. The Grossmont school code is for the FAFSA is 001208. Your answer here has no impact

 on your eligibility for emergency funds.
In the space provided, please provide your personal statement of need. Explain the reason you need the emergency assistance.
I certify that my information I submit is true and correct. I understand that if I do not certify my claim or if the information provided is found to be incorrect, there could be a delay in the processing of my application. *
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