First and Last Name of the main contact for your household *
Your answer
Phone number *
Your answer
Please list the following information for every person living in your household:
First and Last Name
Date of Birth
Your answer
Home Information
Address *
Your answer
How many miles do you live from BBHS? *
Your answer
How will your international student get to school and back home? *
Your answer
If the student chooses to participate in an extracurricular activity, how will you provide the student with transportation? *
Your answer
Can you provide the student with their own bedroom? *
Will the student have their own bathroom? If not, with whom will the student need to share a bathroom? *
Your answer
Have you hosted international students before? If yes, please share more about your experience. *
Your answer
Up to how many international students are you interested in hosting? *
Your answer
Are you currently hosting or do you plan to host other international students outside of BBHS' international program? If yes, please list agency/homestay provider program(s) you would also be working with. *
Your answer
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? What size/weight? *
Your answer
What language(s) do you speak in your home? *
Your answer
Do you have a child currently attending BBHS? If not, what is your connection to our community? *
Your answer
Family Life
Can you provide your international student with all of their meals? *
Your answer
Does someone in your family prepare all of the meals, or would your international student be expected to prepare their own meals? Which meals? *
Your answer
Does anyone in your household smoke? *
What activities does your family participate in that you would expect your international student to also participate in? (Examples: church, household chores, weekend activities, exercise, etc.) *
Your answer
Is there anything your family participates in now that you would feel uncomfortable having an international student take part in? *
Your answer
Do you have any major reservations or worries about inviting a student into your home that we can address for you now? *
Your answer
Additional Information
Please list 2 personal references below, including: First and Last Name, Relationship to the person, How long you have known them, Phone number, and Email Address. *
Your answer
Do you have a strong preference for a student from any particular country or region? If so, would you consider a student from outside this region? *
Your answer
Do you have a strong preference for a male or female student? If so, would you consider a student of the opposite sex? *
Does your family (or any individuals in your family) follow a special diet? *
Your answer
Why are you interested in hosting an international student? What do you/your family hope to get out of the experience? *
Your answer
Is there anything else you'd like us or your future international student to know about your family? *
Your answer
How did you find out about our international program? If you were referred by a current host family, please list their name. *
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.