CIIE - China International Import Expo
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Informações Gerais - Empresa
Razão Social Exportadora: *
Nome Fantasia: *
(Certifique-se de que o CNPJ informado é aquele utilizado para exportação de seus produtos)
Empresa Comercial Exportadora/Trading?
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Endereço: *
Estado: *
País: *
Ano de fundação: *
Número de colaboradores: *
Informações Gerais - Representante(s) da empresa - Responsável pelo preenchimento deste Formulário
Nome Completo: *
Cargo: *
E-mail: *
Telefone Fixo: *
Celular: *
Informações Gerais - Representante(s) da empresa durante o evento
Nome Completo: *
Cargo: *
E-mail: *
Telefone Fixo: *
Celular: *
As perguntas a seguir deverão ser preenchidas obrigatoriamente em INGLÊS.
Economic sector of your company? *
If "other", please specify.
Does your company export? *
If "yes", has your company already exported to China?
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Describe in details the products of your company for this event *
What are your products NCM codes? *
(Considerar apenas os produtos que serão comercializados durante o evento)
Does your company have any innovative product certified by any award? *
If "yes", please specify
Does your company have any premium/gourmet product? *
If "yes", please specify.
Does your company have offices abroad? *
If "yes", where?
Does your company have website in English and/or other languages? *
Does your company have communication material (folders and catalogues) in English and/or Mandarim? *
Are the products label translated into English and/or other languages? *
Does the company representative speak Mandarm and/or English? *
Does your company have a price list for international market? *
Does your company attend to technical requirements for the Chinese market? *
(For example, certification, licence and/or others)
If "yes", please specify.
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