School Policies & Authorizations
Authorizations and Consents
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Teacher's Name *
Bancroft Student & Family Handbook
All policies can be found in the Bancroft Student & Family Handbook at 
Item 1: I have read, discussed with my child, and agree to the Bancroft Computer Use Policy, Authorization, and Agreement *
Item 2:  I have read, discussed with my child, understand and to the rules and procedures contained in Bancroft's Care and Replacement of Books Policy *
Item 3: I have read, discussed with my child, and agree to the rules and procedures contained in Bancroft's Cell Phone Use Policy *
Item 4: I authorize my student to check out books from the Bancroft School Library, and agree to be responsible for reimbursement of any damaged or lost books. *
7. Add this email address to the Bancroft Blast School Newsletter. *
8. Add this email address to the Bancroft PTO list. *
9.  I grant permission for the district to use the image of my child or their classwork in any official district or school publication or website (including Bancroft Yearbook, webpage, and school media)
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