Please complete this survey to record your completion of your Fall 23 Guardian Scholars Engagement. 

For questions or if there are issues with the survey, email us at
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Email *
SJSU Student ID *
First Name *
Last Name *
What is the name of the engagement experience you attended? *
Please choose the type of engagement: *
Why did you choose this engagement experience? *
What day did you participate in this engagement? *
Please rate your overall experience with your main point of contact. *
Not at all knowledgeable
Very knowledgeable
Please rate your overall experience. *
This wasn't for me
This was a meaningful experience
Would you suggest this engagement experience to your peers? *
Yes! It was really helpful for me.
Please tell us what you liked the most about the engagement experience you attended. *
Please share what could be done better? *
Optional: Do you have any other suggestions or feedback?
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