The Charles Humphreys Award for Innovative Pedagogy
The deadline for nominations for 2024 has now passed.  The next deadline is February 1, 2025.

A complete nomination consists of the following items:
I. nomination form
II. the nominee’s current CV
III. Two (2) letters of recommendation from professional colleagues (fellow teacher or administrator at the nominee’s school, another classicist who knows the nominee well in a professional capacity, etc.), specifically speaking to the nominee’s innovation in the teaching of Classics and its impact on the nominee’s students, school, community, and the larger profession

Please email the CV and letters of recommendation (in PDF format, attached to a single email) to
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Email *
Nominee’s name: *
Nominee’s school affiliation: *
Nominee’s school address: *
Nominee’s email address: *
Nominee’s phone number: *
Nominator’s name: *
Nominator’s title: *
Nominator’s school affiliation: *
Nominator’s school address: *
Nominator’s email address: *
Nominator’s phone number: *
How long have you known the nominee and in what capacity? (100 word limit) *
Describe the nominee’s innovation(s) in pedagogy. (500 word limit) *
How has the nominee’s work influenced the teaching of Classics today? (500 word limit) *
Provide evidence for the impact of the nominee’s innovation(s), e.g. list of articles published, presentations and workshops given, materials and resources produced, etc. Please provide web links to articles and materials, if available. We also invite you to include testimonials from students, parents, and educators in your narrative. *
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