Samford Student Research Colloquia --- Abstract Submission
Dear Student,

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the Samford Student Research Colloquia, sponsored by Samford's Office of Research.

It is expected that you and your will work with your research mentor or another Samford faculty member to ensure your abstract adheres to the following guidelines:

- The maximum abstract length is 2000 characters.
- Abstracts should not include references or citations; save these for your poster.
- This form only accepts plain text. Graphics, images, and special characters cannot be accommodated.

- Your abstract should be written for and understandable to a general audience.
- Avoid technical language if possible. If not, provide explanations of appropriate terminology.

Try to address all of the following in your abstract, not necessarily in the order listed. Items (1) and (2) must be addressed. Abstract reviewers understand that different disciplines have different norms.

(1) Central research question / purpose of the project
(2) Findings / results
(3) Importance / implications -- Why is your work important? What are its implications?
(4) Context -- How does your work fit into a larger scholarly context within your field?
(5) Contribution -- In what ways does your work make a unique contribution to your field?
(6) Methods / processes -- How did you attempt to address your research question?

If you have questions about this form, please email the Office of Research: <>.

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