Oakland University Phi Alpha Theta Membership Application
The Alpha Zeta Upsilon chapter of Phi Alpha Theta at Oakland University is both a club open to all OU students and an official chapter of the the National History Honor Society.

If you are interested in attending and participating in history-related events, please add the organization on GrizzOrgs and contact our secretary, Katie, at (khuard@oakland.edu) to be added to the mailing list. You can also follow the club on Facebook (Phi Alpha Theta at Oakland University) and on Instagram and Twitter (pat_oaklanduni).

Official membership in the honor society has credit and GPA requirements. You must have completed at least 12 History credits at OU, have an overall GPA of at least 3.1, and a History GPA of at least 3.3.

Official membership in the honor society costs $40. This fee goes to the national organization and gives you to lifetime membership in the national organization and a one-year subscription to its quarterly journal, The Historian. It also entitles you to wear special cords at graduation. The cords are available at a discounted price ($14) through our chapter. We usually host an induction ceremony each spring for new members.

After you are accepted, you can to pay a one-time-only fee of $40 that will be sent to the national office for official membership. Checks should be made payable to Alpha Zeta Upsilon and can be sent to PAT at the History Department. Professor Shesko can also accept cash or payment via Venmo (lizshesko) or PayPal (lizshesko@yahoo.com).

If you have questions, please contact PAT adviser Professor Liz Shesko at shesko@oakland.edu.
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Grizz Number *
How many history credits have you completed at OU? *
What is your overall GPA at OU? *
What is your History GPA at OU? *
What is a long-term mailing address that the PAT national organization can use to send you mail? *
What is a non-OU email address that the PAT national organization can use to contact you after you graduate? *
Are you already on OU PAT chapter's email list? *
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