The OC-SNP National Executive aims to help local chapters run exciting, innovative events and/or attract outstanding visiting speakers to their institution. These events should promote knowledge dissemination and networking opportunities for trainees and new professionals. OC-SNP provides awards valued up to $250 to assist in the expenses related to hosting the event(s) and/or bringing speakers to your institution.

Eligibility Criteria
All OC-SNP chapters are eligible to apply for the award. Each chapter is eligible to receive one award per year (September 1- March 1), which can be used over several events. There are 12 awards available, and they will be disseminated on a first come, first serve basis.

1. Each chapter must submit the following items before the application will be accepted by the OC-SNP National Executive:
a. A completed online application form (including proposed budget and event[s] rationale)
b. If submitting for a visiting speakers, a brief summary of the speaker’s credentials
2. Chapter Event Grants will be reimbursed in a single payment, after the event has occurred. Original receipts must be submitted for all items being claimed. If the receipts are not in Canadian funds, exchange rate information for the date specified on the receipt must be provided from a financial institution or travel agent. (**Original receipts must be received at the OC office by March 1st)
3. Speaker honorariums will not be compensated as part of the OC-SNP Chapter Event Grant. Chapters may choose to spend a nominal amount (max $30) on a thank-you gift for speakers.
4. Chapter event(s) must be advertised on the OC-SNP website, your Chapter Facebook page and be well promoted at your institution.
5. OC-SNP must also be recognized as a sponsor of the event on any promotional materials (e.g.poster announcements).

Selection Criteria
Chapter Event(s) Grants will be selected by the OC-SNP National Executive and will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Diversity – applications that interest students and new professionals from more than one area of study
2. Exciting & innovative – applications that describe innovative event ideas and consider ways to include nearby communities
3. Budget – applications that demonstrate good planning or cost-sharing
4. Benefits to SNPs – applications that demonstrate career development/ knowledge translation/networking opportunities for SNPs

NOTE: The $250 grant maybe used for one event or multiple events.
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Email *
Application Date
OC-SNP Chapter Name *
Designated Contact for this Application: *
Phone number *
Email address: *
Your role in the Chapter (e.g. Chapter Chair etc.)? *
What is the name of your event(s)? *
What is the proposed date of your event? Note: If you are apply for more then one event, additional proposed dates may be listed in the description of the event text box. *
Briefly describe the event. *
Please estimate the anticipated number of attendees. *
Briefly describe the target audience for your event. *
How will this event be beneficial to SNPs? *
Name(s) & Email(s) of speaker(s)
(if applicable)
How will this event be advertised? *
Social media, website, flyers etc.
Please provide the name and address of the venue. *
Please provide the name of your venue contact person. *
Please provide the venue contact's email address. *
What is the expected cost for the venue? *
If there is no cost, please enter "0."
Will food and beverages served? *
*Please note that alcohol expenses will not be reimbursed
Are you seeking any other sponsorship for this event? *
Please list the names and contact information for any other sponsors that you have approached, and what type of sponsorship you are seeking? (if applicable)
e.g. monetary or in-kind
Please list all other expected expenses in detail, including meals, accommodation, travel) *
If you have any questions, please contact the OC office at info@obesitynetwork.ca   phone: 780-492-8361 or Nicole Pearce, pearce@obesitynetwork.ca

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