Required Writing Center Visits 
This form is for instructors who are requiring students to have a Writing Center appointment before submitting an assignment. Please note:  We assist students with the writing process, not just the final product. Therefore, we focus on the content of their work BEFORE we focus on their formatting, structure or documentation style. We encourage students to visit the Writing Center early and often as they work through the process and we request that faculty set a deadline for the required Writing Center visit at least two weeks before the final due date of the assignment to give students adequate time to revise.
Email *
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Course Name & Number *
Instructor Name *
Instructor email *
What is the purpose of this assignment?  *
What course objectives or learning outcomes does this assignment satisfy? *
Are there any areas in particular that you feel your students could benefit from assistance the most? *
Is this an assignment you regularly include in this course? If so, what recurring problems have you encountered with students' papers in previous semesters? *
Will your students submit an outline or rough draft, or a final draft only? *
Are you willing/able to set the deadline for this required Writing Center visit two weeks before the final due date of the assignment? *
How would you prefer to receive confirmation of your students' visit? *
What do you most want your students to gain from their visit with the Writing Center? *
At the conclusion of this assignment would you be willing to participate in a follow-up survey about your experience using the Writing Center?

Is there anything else about this assignment you'd like us to know? *
Upload your assignment guidelines and rubric here. If you would like to provide additional information, or if you have any questions: Email Dr. Roper ( or call ext. 670 *
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