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Marshfield Item Purchase Suggestion Form
Suggest an item that you would like the Ventress Memorial Library to purchase!

Before making a suggestion, please check the OCLN Catalog to see if we already have the item, or if it is available from another OCLN library. You can also check Commonwealth Catalog to see if the item is available from another network in Massachusetts.

Please note that we cannot accommodate all item purchase suggestions. All suggestions will be considered in line with our Collection Development Policy.
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What item would you like us to purchase? 

(Please include the title, author if applicable, date of publication if you know it, and any other important identifying information.)
What format would you like us to purchase this item in? *
Why do you think we should purchase this item? (Optional)
OCLN library card number: *
Email address or phone number (Optional): 

(If you leave this blank, we'll try to contact you with the phone number or email address in your library account.)
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