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SBC Regional Climate Collaborative Steering Committee Application
The Santa Barbara County Regional Climate Collaborative is a growing multi-sector network of organizations working together to advance climate mitigation and resiliency efforts in Santa Barbara County. The Collaborative advances regional scale climate solutions through coordination and partnership. The Santa Barbara County Regional Climate Collaborative is administered by the Sustainability Division of the County of Santa Barbara.

The Steering Committee provides strategic direction and general oversight for the Collaborative. The Steering Committee is responsible for general governance of the Collaborative and oversees the work activities of the Collaborative.

The Steering Committee meets every other month on the second Thurs from 1-3 pm. Members are expected to serve for two years, with the option to remain for additional terms.

The Steering Committee members shall carry out any or all of the following functions in order to further the Collaborative’s mission and goals:
Attend each Steering Committee meeting, missing no more than 2 meetings in a year
Approve participation in grant proposals
Solicit funds through grants, donations, in-kind contributions, sponsorships & partnerships
Develop the Collaborative’s Strategic Plan and Work Plans, in partnership with the Manager
Promote the work of the Collaborative to government officials, climate change practitioners, and the general public
Elect Officers of the Steering Committee
Establish subcommittees as needed
Solicit professional services and recommend the selection of contractors and vendors
Provide oversight to general administration and fiscal management
Adopt the annual membership dues
Amend the By-Laws as needed

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Name *
Organization Name
Email *
Agency/Organization Type *
What region or community or sector do you represent? *
Please tell us why you would like to be on the Steering Committee. *
Please tell us why you are qualified to be on the Steering Committee. Be sure to mention relevant experience, leadership, community connections, etc. *
Do you have suggestions for how the Collaborative and the Steering Committee can better serve its members and the region?
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