Request for an Exception to the Wellesley College Safety Policy for College-sponsored International Travel
Ordinarily, students and alumnae may not receive credit, college funds or other support for programs taking place in a country that meets the conditions for prohibited or restricted travel in Wellesley College's international travel policy.
Students seeking an exception to this policy must submit a request (in advance of their travel) to the college’s International Safety Committee. The committee is unwilling to consider any petitions to travel to countries classified as "4 - do not travel" (for non-covid reasons), but will review petitions to travel to countries identified as "3 - reconsider travel". The State Department Travel Advisory website will note in text the reason a country may be listed as "do not travel" (4) vs. "reconsider travel" (3). This is where you will be able to tell if covid is the only reason putting a country into either category.
Based on review by and recommendations of our International Safety Committee, you may need to make alternative plans (if your petition is not successful), or be required to take additional steps before or during your travel to these countries in order to obtain approval for your travel plans.
Examples include:
*Providing evidence of acceptable housing, local transportation arrangements or other requested information.
*Contacting a designated Wellesley official on arrival in country and/or at regular intervals during travel.
*Obtaining permission from a designated Wellesley official before making side trips.
Wellesley may withhold or withdraw sponsorship of the planned travel at any time if our International Safety Committee determines that the travel would be ill-advised.