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Draft Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework on Space Resource Activities
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How did you hear about The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group and the Draft Building Blocks? *
What is your professional and/or educational background
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Are you a Member or Observer of the Working Group?
If yes, have you attended any of the face-to-face meetings?
Have you read the Draft Building Blocks? *
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Do you think that the Draft Building Blocks cover all relevant topics? *
If no, what do you think it is missing?
Do you think that the Draft Building Blocks are detailed enough?
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What are the 3 most controversial topics addressed in the Draft Building Blocks?
Do you think that these controversial topics have been addressed adequately?
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If not, what improvements do you suggest?
What are the 3 least controversial topics addressed in the Draft Building Blocks?
Do you think that these topics have been addressed adequately?
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If not, what improvements do you suggest?
Do the Draft Building Blocks provide a useful contribution to the discussion on the governance of space resources? *
If not, why?
What would be the ideal forum to submit the Building Blocks for further discussion and elaboration? e.g. UNCOPUOS, UNGA, ITU, other (Please justify your answer) *
Do you have any suggestion on the appropriate format to implement the Building Blocks?
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