Shared Zine Library Catalog: What do zine makers & readers want, if anything?
For several years, a group of zine librarians from collections in public, collective, and academic spaces in the US and Canada have been working toward building an online catalog where readers and researchers could search all of our zine collections at once. We're excited about it, but it's a lot of work, so we need to zine makers and zine readers even want such a catalog? (btw is an example of this type of catalog, but not specifically for zines and just for capital L Libraries)
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What's your involvement in zines?
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How do you currently find out where you can get/read a zine you already know about?
If a shared library catalog existed, how do you imagine you'd use it?
Check as many boxes as you like and tell us more in the Other box.
How do you currently find zines by a certain author or on a certain topic?
How do you currently find out which zine libraries have your zine (or that of your BFF, crush or nemesis)?
How do you currently figure out which zine libraries to offer your zines or zine collection to (for donation or sale)?
Are you interested in zines for
Do you have #feelings about your zine being listed in a library catalog easily found on the internet?
Are there any other feelings this discussion of a shared zine library catalog brings up?
Please tell us about your feelings!
Anything else you want to say?
So, now that you've answered our questions and thought about a shared zine library catalog, how into it are you?
Fuck that.
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Do you/have you made zines?
Again--totally optional! Check all that apply.
Totally optional (like all the questions, actually), want to tell us who you are and if we can follow up with you about stuff?
Please give your name, email address, website, zine name, whatever you are willing to share.
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