Interested Research Participant Form: Residential
Excited about being a part of leading edge research? Complete this form to join our Project Participant Pool and be eligible for future CEE field research projects that test, verify, or improve energy efficiency technologies. By signing up there is no obligation or guarantee of selection. We will reach out about a specific participation opportunity no more than two times each year, and also with an annual email to verify that you would like to remain in our Project Participant Pool.

Thank you for your participation!
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In what city/township is your property located?
What is your relation to the property
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Describe the property type
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What is the square footage of the property?
Only count the area that is heated and/or cooled
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Existing heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment.
Please select all types currently on your property
Do you use propane for any of your space heating needs?
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First and last name
Email address
Phone number
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