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Expanding your existing organic produce?
The Organic & Regenerative Investment Co-operative (ORICoop) is excited to see more organic producers that are interested to grow more products, building a strong supply of quality organic produce to meet the growing demand for quality organic produce in Australia, domestically and internationally.

We are seeking expressions of interest from experienced organic farm owners & managers to meet the needs of such demand, that depend on good management & farmers to be a success!

Full ORICoop details are

ORICoop is founded on the principles of Co-operative values, preserving certified organic farmland, shared financial returns and efficient food production systems.  We are keen to hear from producers and partners that are seeking to expand their existing organic supply, and enable more farmers to grow and prosper, and more land to be farmed sustainably and organically for the long term!


Type of production you are involved in now
Management structure?  Capacity?
Existing market opportunities
Management team/staff
Longevity (5+ years)

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Name (in full) *
Email *
Mobile Phone number *
Area (where you are currently) *
What size is your farm (Ha)?  And what percentage is underdeveloped? (if any)
What do you currently grow (types of produce, volumes, size)?
What crops/produce do you grow that you have an existing strong market for? *
What else are you interested to grow more of - if there was a good market for it?
What produce do you currently grow - that you have difficulty in finding a market for?  And why is that?  And why do you grow it (cover crops for example?) *
What type of support would you need to grow more produce (either in volumes of to diversify?).  This could include processing, logistics or on-farm expertise?
What type of budget would you need to achieve this potnetial expansion?
Would you be interested in an 'Organic Farmers Own' brand if it meant there was more transparency in your supply chain?
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What other markets do you think are exciting opportunities for organic producers?
Are you currently certified organic?  If so, who with?
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How do you sell your produce currently?
Are you an existing ORICoop member?
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