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Our Strathcona community is vibrant, inclusive and compassionate. We draw strength and resiliency from the diversity of our neighbours, who include Indigenous people, multi-generational Chinese-Canadians, new Canadians, young families, pensioners, artists, activists, and most recently unhoused residents of Camp K-T. We care for each other, and we share a keen interest in community health and safety.

In recent years, our resiliency has been tested by a steady increase in personal crime, property crime and public exposure to human and biohazardous waste. These issues have worsened dramatically in recent weeks, to the point that many of our most vulnerable neighbours—including low-income seniors and children—feel too unsafe to use one of only two neighbourhood parks available to them.

More than ever, we fear for our collective health and safety. We recognize our situation as a consequence of government inaction in the face of obvious public health and housing crises. We have been abandoned by our elected officials.

NOW THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Strathcona homeowners, declare our intention to withhold property tax payments to the City of Vancouver—by way of deferral, assessment appeal or other lawful means—until such time as our municipal, provincial and federal governments act together or individually to meet the following three demands:

1. A permanent end to displacement of Camp K-T by way of final relocation to sanctioned and safe refuges away from public park space where at least 300 unhoused local residents can find community, rest and the essential public services and utilities that they need and deserve.

2. A firm commitment from one or more levels of government to build 4,000 units of true social housing across Vancouver on a high priority basis.

3. A three-fold increase to the amount of sanitation and mental health support resources directed to restoring public health and safety in Strathcona.

We saw how our elected officials responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we call upon them to apply the same force of will to our public health and housing crises. A single 60-bed high-barrier navigation centre will not suffice. We pledge to pay our fair share of property taxes when our community—which includes Camp K-T—finally receives its fair share of public health and safety resources.

*Please note that this is a non-binding declaration of intent. Signatories may choose to follow up with the declaration in any way they wish.

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