MCEL Exhibitor Registration 2014
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Company Name *
Contact Person *
Please list the name of the contact person for the company - this is to whom the confirmation and correspondence will be directed.
Contact Person Email *
Please provide the email address of the contact person for the company.
Additional Representative Names *
Please list the names and titles of additional staff who will participate.
Company Description *
Please provide a short 5-10 word description of your company (Accounting Software Services)
Company Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Company Website Address *
Company Telephone Number *
For inclusion in the program listing
Contact Person Telephone Number *
Registration *
A Prime Booth is defined as a corner or prime location adjacent to the entry; A Standard Booth is throughout the Exhibit Hall
Two lunches are provided with each registration -- additional lunches are available at $15.00 additional per person.  Please identify below how many additional lunches are needed.
Customized Marketing Email
Distributed prior to the conference to all registrants, your customized marketing email allows you to invite people to visit your booth in the Exhibit Hall.
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