A Survey On Ancient Times: The Middle Ages
This survey was created to test your knowledge on one of the most important times in history: The Middle Ages! Please answer all questions to best of your knowledge and don't consult with any outside sources. Enjoy!
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1. Who ranks the highest in the system of Feudalism? *
2. What code of conduct did every knight in the Middle Ages have to follow? *
3. Which famous Medieval battle took place in the year of 1066? *
4. What religion did most people in Medieval Europe follow? *
5. Which of the following Medieval women was the ruler of Acquitane? *
6. What food and drink were mainly consumed by peasants in the Middle Ages? *
7. Which of the following is the name for a Medieval center of learning? *
8. What was the punishment for disobedience in a monastery in the Middle Ages? *
9. How many wives did King Henry VIII have? *
10. In the poem of Boeowulf, who was the very first creature Beowulf concured in the Land of the Danes? *
11. From which of the following William Shakespear plays comes the quote, "To be, or not to be: that is the question."? *
12. From which dynasty was Queen Elizabeth I from? *
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