Bognor Regis Business Start-up Hot House Lite Programme
Thank you for your interest in the Bognor Regis Hot House programme. The programme is fully funded by Arun District Council and is, therefore, delivered to you at no cost to you. You must live in the Aurn district to take advantage of this excellent offer.

The programme contains six workshops and six peer-2-peer sessions all of which will take place at the University of Chichester Bognor Regis campus. A full list of dates can be obtained from our website shortly: 

Places will be limited so please note that non attendance of any of these workshops may incur a charge.
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First Name *
Surname *
Telephone number
Mobile number *
House number / name *
Town *
County *
Post code *
Email address *
Business name / idea *
Brief description of your business or business idea *
Website - if you have one
If you are trading, what date did  you set your company up?
If you are trading, are you a:
Clear selection
If you are trading, what is your projected turnover for this year?
If you are trading, how many employees do you have?
What would you like to learn / need help with through this programme to help your business grow? *
Funded by Arun District Council
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