AP French Language and Culture

Subtopics and Essential Questions organized by Theme

Thème:  Families and Communities  (La famille et la Communauté)

Topic:  Families in Different Societies


Alienation and Assimilation (L'aliénation et l’assimilation)

Age and Class (Les rapports sociaux)

        Multiculturalism (Le pluriculturalism)

Childhood and Adolescence (l’enfance et l’adolescence)

        Beliefs and Values (Les croyances et les systèmes de valeurs)

        Citizenship (la citoyenneté)

        Gender and Sexuality (La sexualité)

        Customs and Ceremonies (Les coutumes)

        Friendship and Love (L’amitié et l’amour)

        Traditional and modern family structures (La famille traditionnelle et moderne)

Essential Questions:

What constitutes a family in French-speaking societies?

What are some important aspects of family values and family life in French-speaking societies?

What challenges do families face in today’s world?

How do individuals contribute to the wellbeing of communities?

How does the role that families and communities assume differ in societies around the world?

How has the family structure of industrialized societies changed over the last few decades?

What is the difference between a nuclear family and a blended family?

What role do individuals play within their family?

Thème: Personal and Public identities (La Quête de soi)

Topic 2:  The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity


        ALienation and Assimilation (L'aliénation et l’assimilation)

        Multiculturalism (Le pluriculturalism)

        Beliefs and Values (Les croyances et les systèmes de valeurs)

        Gender and Sexuality (La sexualité)

        Language and Identity (L’identité linguistique)

        Nationalism and Patriotism (Le nationalisme et le patriotisme)

        Freedom of Speech (La liberté d’expression)

        Religion (La religion)

        Diversity Issues (La tolérance)

Human Rights (Les droits de l’homme)

Citizenship (la citoyenneté)

Racism (le racisme)

Xenophobia (la xenophobie)

Homophobia (l’homophobie)

Secularism (la laïcité)

Roles of Women (les rôles des femmes)

Essential Questions:

How does one’s identity evolve over time?

How does technology influence the development of personal and public identity?

How does language shape our cultural identity?

How does the art of a community reflect its public identity?

How is an individual’s cultural identity expressed through dress, language, religion and customs practiced?

What are France’s views on secularism?

How are aspects of identity expressed in various situations?

How do language and culture influence the groups with which one associates and to which one relates?

How do language and culture influence identity?

What are the impacts of racism, homophobia and xenophobia on individuals and groups?

What are some factors preventing immigrants and/or minorities from integrating into society?

Thème: Beauty and Esthetics (L’esthétique)

Topic 3:  Influences of Beauty and Art


        Contributions to World Heritage (Le patrimoine)

        Literature (La litterature)

        Visual Arts (Les arts visuels)

        Architecture (L’architecture)

        Ideals of Beauty (Le beau)

        Musique (la musique)

        Performing Arts (Les arts du spectacle)

Essential Questions:

How are perceptions of beauty and creativity established?

How do ideals of beauty impact lifestyle choices and self-esteem?

How do ideals of beauty and aesthetics influence our daily lives?

How do the arts challenge and reflect cultural perspectives?

How do Francophone communities value beauty and art?

How is art used to record history?

Is beauty acquired and tailored by the culture we live in or is innate?

How and why has the notion of beauty changed through the centuries?

How does the media influence self-perception and consumer behavior?

Thème:  Science and Technology (La Science et la Technologie)

Topic 4:  How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives


        Ethical questions (Les choix moraux)

        Discoveries and Inventions (Les découvertes et les inventions)

        Social Impact of Technology (La technologie et ses effets sur la société)

        New forms of Transportation (Les nouveaux moyens de transport)

The New Media (Les nouveaux moyens de communication)

        Impact of Social Media (Les réseaux sociaux)

        Intellectual property (La propriété intellectuelle)

Artificial Intelligence (L'intelligence artificielle)

Future Technologies (L’avenir de la technologie)

Current Research (La recherche)

Essential Questions:

How do developments in science and technology affect our lives?

What factors have driven innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology?

What role do ethics play in scientific advancement?

How has technology impacted societies and individual lifestyles?

Which inventions have most greatly impacted society?

How can technology help to make life easier?

What are the pros and cons of artificial intelligence?

Thème:  Contemporary Life (La vie Contemporaine)

Topic 5:  Factors that Impact the Quality of Life


        Education (L'éducation et l'enseignement)

        Holidays and Celebrations (Les fêtes)

        Housing and Shelter (Le logement)

        Rites of Passage (Les rites de passage)

Professions (Le monde du travail)

Leisure and Sports (Les loisirs et les sports)

        Travel (Les voyages)

Health Care (Les soins médicaux)

        Advertising and Marketing (La publicité)

Freedom of Speech (La liberté d’expression)

Forms of Transportation (Les moyens de transport)

The News (La presse)

Homelessness  (Les sans-abri)

Impact of Social Media (les réseaux sociaux)

Essential Questions:

How are the  values of a culture expressed and communicated through its music, film, art and advertisements?

How do societies and individuals define quality of life?

What are changing attitudes about gender roles?

How do leisure activities, education and religious beliefs impact a culture’s products, practices?

How is contemporary life influenced by cultural products, practices and perspectives?

What are the challenges of contemporary life?

How does fake news impact a society?

What are important rites of passage in Francophone and American societies?

The impact of marketing and advertising in the Francophone world and in the United States?

How do advertisements and marketing influence our communities?

How are poverty, health care and homelessness addressed in the francophone world?

What are common leisure activities and sport preferences of young people in the francophone world?

How are the education systems in France and other francophone countries structured differently than in America?

How do education systems continue to adjust to meet the needs of an ever-changing work world?
How does education impact life choices, opportunities and success?

In what ways has technology  had a great impact on modern education?

Thème 6:  Global Challenges (Les défis mondiaux)

Topic 6:  Environmental, Political and Societal Changes


        Environmental Issues (L'environnement)

Health Issues (La santé)

Nutrition and food safety (L’alimentation)

Peace and war (La paix et la guerre)

Economic Issues (L’économie)

Diversity Issues (La tolérance)

Human Rights (Les droits de l’homme)

Volunteerism (Le bénévolat)

Freedom of Speech (La liberté d’expression)

Roles of Women (les rôles des femmes)

Influence of Media (La presse et les médias)

Homelessness  (Les sans-abri)

Globalization (La mondialisation)

Environmentally Friendly Transportation (Les moyens de transport écologiques)

Essential Questions:

How do human activities have an impact on the environment?

How do environmental, political and societal challenges positively or negatively impact communities?

What has been the impact of globalization in Francophone countries?

How does women’s education play a key role in the economy of developing countries?

How is a society’s level of education directly linked to its economy and quality of life?

What role do individuals play in identifying and solving complex societal problems?

How do social issues affect a society's culture?

What are the impacts of various political and economic practices on societies?

How can individuals, corporations and governments confront global challenges?

How can non-governmental organizations intervene to solve major health concerns and in developing countries?

What are possible solutions to environmental challenges?

What is the link between health and eating habits in modern society?