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Five hour driving is tire eng. You have to pick a destination then mapp. The lines form on the left and on the right. Stay between them white lines Larry. Once you have the determination you may begin. There is a time zone demarcation. When you cross that meridian line you will do two things. One thing you may do is gain time. The Other thing is you may LOSE time. It depends on the time. It depends on the Earths rotation and the DIRECTION you are driving on the mapp. You need a directional finder on your phone. You need to be able to use the restroom in the car. Can your wife drive the car Larry they make many styles and colors now. Porto potty mouths. They look like bedpans and they work but man that smell will drive. You have to seal the lid now Larry you need to be behind the wheel to drive. Happy (number goes here) Larry. This has been LarryCollinsBDAYDrive.