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sleepy Dream to compelling Destiny 

At first there's an underlying dream, a passion, a fire

 but it's only an afterthought to real day to day life

 presently postponed in favor of daily strife

 it lives only in the interludes of the busy sticky mire

The dream grows, being fertilized by corporate bullshit

 the corporate world is just gray --- no fire

 the dream becomes the unfulfilled mind's desire, 

 needed for the soul's sanity, the spirit's work permit


The vacuous corporate gray flannel suit fires the dream yet more

  if not now then never, your hand called on the dream

  now plans, spreadsheets, cash flow scheme

  and the dream gets teeth, a teething spirit of implore

The mantra shifts --- 'I have to do this', separate from corporate mob

  the dream takes your center stage, everyone thinks you're crazy

  to throw it all away, what a daisy

  to give up such a good 'JOB'.

And the word JOB does it!  a JOB is no competition for your dream, your heart pump

 and so, with dream in heart and butterflies in belly

 you have no choice but to follow your path, o Nellie!

 and you jump.

And the dream unfolds

 And so do you.

Thomas McCabe --- March 09