A magnet is an object or material that attracts certain metals, such as iron, nickel and cobalt. It can also attract or repel another magnet. All magnets have North-seeking (N) and South-seeking (S) poles. When magnets are placed near each other, opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other. Various electrical devices make use of magnets.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions. There is a mini-quiz near the end of the lesson.

Mini-quiz to check your understanding

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1. What does a magnet repel?

The opposite pole of another magnet

Iron, nickel and cobalt

The same pole of another magnet

2. What happens if you cut a magnet in half?

It destroys its magnetism

You get a North Pole magnet and a South Pole magnet

You get two magnets, each with a N and S pole

3. Why does a compass point north?

The shape of the Earth causes it

There is a large deposit of iron right at the North Pole

The Earth is a large magnet with a magnetic pole near the North Pole

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If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in Physics. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.