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Student Handbook 2023-24
Updated automatically every 5 minutes






Rumsey Hall School is guided by its distinct mission.  The following statement of purpose echoes the sentiment first stated by the School’s founder, Lillias Rumsey Sanford, in the year 1900.

Rumsey Hall School is committed to a whole child approach to education and believes that teaching academics and teaching an attitude of mind are of equal importance. The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature as an educated person, a successful member of a family, and a contributing member of a community.





Academic Information        

         Honors Courses


         Lower School                                        

         Upper School                                        



AI Policy

Allergy Policy


         Athletic Excuses

         Long Weekends and Athletic Commitments

         Rumsey’s Code of Ethics and Conduct

         Varsity Club Criteria

Athletics by Term


Board of Trustees                                                

Boarding Student Information                                

         Allowances and Money                                        




         Packing List

Classroom Procedures                                        

Commencement Prizes                                        

Community Water Systems

Dangerous Items

Day Student Information                                

         Absence/Lateness/Early Departure

         Arrival and Pick-Up Time

         Dinner Sign-Up

         Doctor’s/Dentist Appointments                                

         School Cancellations

Dean’s List Prizes

Dorm Study Hall                                        

Dress Code Regulations                        

Effort System Regulations                                

Effort System                                                

Extra Help                                                

Financial Obligations

Grading System                                                

Graduation Requirements        

Hair Dying                        



Health Center                                                

         Counseling / Mental Health

         Office Hours

         Food Allergies

         Health Center Staff

         Medication Compliance


Honors Courses                                

Honors Study Hall                                        

Library Procedures

Lost and Found

Major Rules                

Mission and Philosophy

Other Rules

Parent Conferences                                        

Performance Enhancing Substances


Recreational Activities                                        

             Bicycles, Roller Skates/Skateboards                        


             Video Games

Rumsey Circle Officers                                        

Senior Visits to Prep Schools                                

Sex, Drug and Health Education                                

School Cancellations

School Song

School Store                        

Social Media Policy

Student Government                                        

Student of The Month

Study Hall


Work Detail / Detention


Rumsey Hall expects that all parents and students will read this Handbook and use it as a resource for important information about the school, our values and community expectations.  While the policies and procedures included in our Handbook set forth our general expectations, the School reserves the right to modify its rules and procedures throughout the year to continue to act in the best interest of those in our community.  In keeping with our support of a diverse community, Rumsey Hall abides by all applicable federal and state laws and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry and/or disability.


Upper School

The Upper School, IVth-VIIth Forms (6-9 grades), has a departmentalized academic program.  Students take English, math, history and science.  In addition, a student may take Spanish, French, Latin, or Language Skills.  Students also take Co-Curriculars which are term-based offerings in creative arts, performing arts, technology, and Social-Emotional Learning. Advisor/advisee, Form and Club meetings and supervised study halls are also a part of the school day.  Students in the VIIth Form have the option to apply for a seat in one of four Signature Programs offered at the school.  They also have the ability to select elective co curricular offerings to enrich their program. Extra Help is available during the regular academic week and at other times as arranged by the teacher and student. Classes are held Monday through Friday.

Honors Courses

Honors courses are offered only to VIIth Form students who have demonstrated the ability to do superior work. Admission to these courses is based on a student’s application to the course, teachers' recommendations, standardized test scores and class grades.  Honors courses are offered in English, mathematics (Algebra II) science (Biology), French IV, Spanish IV and Latin Delta.

Lower School        

The Lower School, Pre-Kindergarten through IIIrd Form (5th grade), is held in self-contained classrooms located on the lower level of Sanford House, in the J. Seward Johnson Sr. Fine Arts Center,  and in the Garassino classroom building.

English, reading, math, and social studies are taught by the homeroom teachers.  World language or language skills and classes in STEM, music, art, physical education, health, and library and information literacy are part of each week’s schedule. Classroom meetings take place three times per week and focus on character and SEL.  The Lower School meets as a community two mornings a week in the music room at 8:00 a.m. and recess periods are scheduled each morning and afternoon.

Classes are held Monday through Friday. Enrichment activities are offered from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Attendance at these enrichment programs is required for boarders and optional for day students.  


Graduation Requirements

In order to receive a graduation diploma from Rumsey Hall, a student must complete the prescribed course of study that generally includes English, mathematics, a world language or Language Skills, history, science, and tem based co-curricular courses. Students in VIIth Form must pass all of their courses in order to receive a diploma.  In the lower forms a student may be required to make up a failed course in order to be promoted into the next form.  In these cases, the student must repeat the course in an approved summer program.  Students must continue to be enrolled at Rumsey Hall at the time of commencement to be eligible for a diploma.


Upper School students are usually given out-of-class assignments for every academic course each day. When a student is having difficulty with effort or organization, the School may require teachers and study hall proctors to initial an Effort or Achievement Card in order to provide daily feedback to the student.  Homework assignments are posted online each day.  Lower School students have an increasing amount of homework as they progress from Pre-Kindergarten to IIIrd Form.

Extra Help

Extra help sessions are scheduled during the academic week for the Upper School students to reinforce the lesson covered that day or offer extra challenge. This can be at the teacher’s or the student's request. Students who do not show up for extra help are reported as absent and may earn a minus for missing this commitment. Extra help is available throughout the week in the Lower School at the discretion of the teachers.  


Parents of Upper School children wishing to have their child tutored should contact the Associate Head of School. Parents of Lower School children should contact the Director of the Lower School.

The Grading System

The Effort System

AI Policy

AI technology has become increasingly prevalent in many industries, including education. While AI can be a powerful tool for research, analysis, and other tasks, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly. Here are some general guidelines:

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action. If you have any questions or concerns about the policy or ethical use of AI, please ask your advisor, teacher, Dean of Students, Director of Lower School, or Associate Head of School.

Academic Incentives

Effort System Regulations

To stay on the Effort List in the Lower School, Ist-IIIrd Form students must come prepared to class with all necessary materials and assignments; students must be actively engaged in classroom discussions and activities, be respectful of peer comments, and student work must show care and effort. In the Upper School, a student must attend each class with his or her proper and complete assignment as well as the materials necessary to participate fully in class: textbook, paper, pencil and pen and any other items required by the teacher.  Anyone receiving a cheating infraction will automatically be taken off the Effort List and full disciplinary action will be taken. A student may earn a minus for the inappropriate use of technology in class or in study hall.

Upper School students who are off the Effort List in two or more courses receive an “Effort Card.”  They must present it to each of their teachers and study hall proctors at the beginning of each class or study hall for that week.  At the end of the period, the teacher will indicate on the card whether or not that day’s homework and classwork was completed satisfactorily.  Study hall proctors will indicate on the card whether or not the student made good use of the study hall.  Students who have earned an effort card must submit it to the administrator supervising lunch each day.  Missing or incomplete cards and cards signed with a “no” for any course or study hall result in the students having to attend Afternoon Study Hall that day instead of athletics. Students with cards, who have athletic contests, may participate only with permission from the Associate Head of School, Dean of Students, or Head of School.  

Honors Study Hall

Seniors may be eligible to be excused from study halls during the academic day by the Study Hall Proctor.  To earn this privilege a senior must have no report of having misused his/her study hall time, must be on the Effort List and achieve at least an 80% average in each subject or be on the Dean's List. Seniors may spend their study period in a quiet study in the place of their choice on campus as approved by the Dean of Students. If choosing to go to the library, Honors students must sign-in on the Honors Sign-in sheet located on a clipboard in the library.  Honors Study Hall is a privilege and any student's name can be removed from the list by the Dean of Students or Academic Dean. This privilege does not apply to the evening study halls.

Academic Awards

Students in Ist-VIIth Forms who earn an average above 90% receive academic distinction at the end of each term.

Dean's List Prizes

Ist-IIIrd Form students who have made the Dean’s List 90% of the time and students in IVth-VIIth Form who have made the Dean's List every week in the term are awarded a certificate at the end of term Awards Ceremony.

Student of The Month

Other Awards - See Commencement Prizes

Classroom, Study Hall, and Library Procedures

Study Hall

Upper School Study Hall is a class, and every place Study Hall is held is considered a classroom.  The purpose of a study hall is to promote independent academic work.  The independent learning skills that are discussed and taught in the individual academic disciplines are reinforced here.  To this end, quiet and respect for the rights of other students will be maintained at all times. To achieve this goal, students must adhere to the following:

        in their possession during all study halls.  Students are required

        to read their selected books when their homework assignments

        have been completed.

        taken off of the Effort List by the Study Hall Proctor.

Library Procedures


Dorm Study Hall

Student Obligations Before a Planned Absence or Long Weekend

A student should speak to each of his/her teachers prior to a planned absence in order to learn what work he/she will miss. It is customary for teachers to require students to complete the work they will miss before they leave school. This prevents a child from being behind in his/her work when he/she returns to school, and it also helps the teachers with their planning.  A student who fails to hand in his or her work as discussed with the instructor will be off the Effort List.

Student Obligations After an Unplanned Absence

A student who has missed classes must meet with each of his or her teachers to obtain extra help in understanding the material studied during the absence.  Each teacher will determine what material the student is accountable for depending on the course and the situation.  

Excessive Absences

Rumsey Hall School believes that a pattern of absences can be detrimental to a student’s learning and to their commitment to our community. Excessive absence, excused or unexcused, may result in loss of credit for the year in the course(s) the absences occur. In the Upper School, the Associate Head of School, Dean of Students, and Head of School, will make the final determination about course credit. The Dean of Students Office will make the final determination of whether or not an absence is or shall be excused. In the Lower School, the Director of Lower School and Head of School, will make the final determination about course credit.

If the student accrues excessive medical absences, the School may also determine that it is appropriate for the student to be placed on Medical Leave. Rumsey Hall School, in consultation with the family and appropriate medical professionals, determines whether a student is eligible for Medical Leave and when a student may return from Medical Leave. Students who accrue excessive absences, both inside and outside the classroom, may not be recommended for continuation at Rumsey. Excessive absence is defined as 15% of any given academic or school commitment, or approximately 18 specific class or commitment meetings for the entire year, or 6 absences per trimester.

Parent Conferences

Upper School Parent Conferences are held during the Fall and Spring Parents’ Night and Parents’ Day. Lower School parent-teacher conferences take place mid-fall and at the end of the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. Parent conferences may also be arranged at any time by contacting the appropriate teacher, Department Chair, Associate Head of School, or the Director of Lower School.  Please schedule conferences in advance by email or by calling the school office at (860) 868-0535.

School Holidays

The Mondays following Fall and Spring Parent Weekends are Holidays. This is a day off for students. Boarders must return to campus by 7:00 p.m. and classes resume the next day. Please refer to the academic calendar for this year’s dates. There will be fun activities planned for boarding students who choose to stay on campus for the weekend.


Students seeking an academic accommodation or modification to any of the School’s academic policies as a result of a diagnosed disability should contact the Learning Skills Department Chair, Associate Head of School, Director of Secondary School placement, or the Director of Lower School as appropriate.  To be eligible for consideration of an accommodation, a student must have confirmation that his/her disability substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning.  Students should provide the appropriate documentation, including a complete and current copy of any relevant testing, evaluation, and/or diagnosis of this disability.  If the information is insufficient, the School may request additional information.  All decisions regarding accommodations are made on an individualized basis considering the nature of the disability, the information available, the reasonableness of the requested accommodation, and whether such accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the School’s programs.


Throughout Rumsey Hall's long history, students, faculty and administrators have all contributed to formulating certain standards and policies, which have become a part of the School's basic philosophy.  The Board of Trustees supports these standards and policies.  In order to become a member of the community, each student must learn and accept these standards.

Many of the rules are based on common courtesy. Honesty, Kindness and Respect are the common values by which student behavior is measured.  Students are responsible for their behavior at all times while they are enrolled at Rumsey Hall, whether a boarding or day student, on or off campus, while school is in session or during vacation.  Any student who violates a school rule or expectations, or otherwise acts in any way that is prejudicial to the School's best interests, infringes on the rights of others, or disrupts or harms our school community, is subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal from school.






When a student breaks a school rule or policy, discipline may range from a mark or probation up to suspension or dismissal from the School.

All Upper and Lower School disciplinary incidents are handled on an individual basis, taking into account the record of the student involved, and the combined interests of the student and the School.

When a major school rule is broken in the Upper School, the Dean of Students typically must call a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee, which consists of the Head of School, Dean of Students, Associate Head of School. Any student called before the committee has the right to be accompanied by his or her advisor or another teacher. After a fair hearing in the Upper School, the Disciplinary Committee makes a recommendation to the Head of School or the Dean of Students. The Head of School makes a final decision after conferring with the Senior Committee (see pg. 11). In the Upper School, the Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to recommend probation, final warning, suspension or dismissal of any student who is involved in breaking a major school rule.  Probation carries with it certain restrictions to a student's freedom on and off campus.  The Disciplinary Committee assigns restrictions.  Final warning indicates that if a student violates any major school rule, the result will be suspension or dismissal. The School reserves the right to impose discipline outside of the Discipline Committee process in emergency situations, or other circumstances warranting immediate action and/or intervention, at the sole discretion of the Head of School.

In the Upper School, a student may also be asked to meet with the Senior Committee to discuss his/her behavior. The committee may make recommendations to the Dean of Students regarding appropriate consequences and discipline.  All final decisions, however, are determined by the Head of School.  

When a major school rule is broken in the Lower School, the Director of Lower School meets with members of the Lower School faculty, the student’s parents and the student to discuss disciplinary options that are in the best interest of the student and the School. 

The Dean of Students or Director of Lower School has the authority to determine clear, consistent consequences for all other specific offenses for Upper and Lower School students accordingly.

Under certain conditions, the medical or emotional well-being of a student may require a level of care not available at Rumsey Hall.  In these situations, a student may be required to withdraw from the School, permanently or temporarily, at the request of the School and under such terms as the School may prescribe.


In addition to other rules and policies, the following is a list of behavior that the School considers to be most serious and which may lead to discipline, including dismissal:

Other Rules

Write Ups (Upper School)

Work Detail/Detention

In the Upper School, the Dean of Students has the responsibility of assigning work detail or detention to students involved in a disciplinary situation or accumulation of marks.


Rumsey Hall School is committed to providing a safe environment for our community members and protecting students with allergies from potential exposure to allergens that could trigger an allergic reaction.  The following steps are taken by Rumsey to ensure a safe campus.  Please note, we are not a nut-free facility.


While new technologies and social media outlets can be powerful educational tools, students should be aware that their actions online are a reflection not only of themselves but of the Rumsey Hall community as well. Therefore, they should always be cognizant of their digital presence and be respectful with their online interactions. Students need to be mindful of their conduct at all times, not just when they are at school.

Be aware that each social media site sets its own minimum age requirements. Students are expected to adhere to the minimum age requirements as set by the site. While many social media sites have set the minimum age at 13, some have set the minimum at 17 or 18. Please check, and adhere to, the minimum age requirement of each site you join to make sure you are of age.

During the academic day, electronic devices and online social media are to be used for legitimate educational purposes only. The extent to which these tools may be used is up to the individual discernment of the instructor. Students are to comply with their teachers’  instructions and to behave in accordance with the policies and practices of Rumsey Hall. With regard to social media, students serve as representatives of RHS and therefore should be aware that interacting with each other on social media is no different than interacting with each other face to face. This certainly includes emailing and texting content.

Students may not set up individual social media accounts that represent the school or any aspect of the school such as a specific team or student organizations, and should further not ever use the school’s likeness or branding without expressed permission.  Marketing for the school in this way will be left to the Advancement department.

Even in their hours outside of the classroom, the dorm, and while off campus, students should at all times exercise good judgment and adhere to the standards and practices of the school when engaging with this media. With regard to social media and digital devices, students are at all times representatives of Rumsey Hall and should therefore:

Never “friend” a faculty or staff member on their personal social media site.

Never take a photo or video of another member of the community (student, faculty, staff, etc.) without their permission. Never post a photo or video of a member of the community to any site or group chat without their permission.

Failure to adhere to the Rumsey Hall social media policy will result in appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action.


The school community values are honesty, kindness and respect. Living by these values maintains a healthy school climate. Rumsey Hall is enriched by the diversity of its members.  The School, which aspires to respect individual differences, believes each member of the community has the right to participate fully without harassment. Rumsey Hall seeks to educate both students and faculty about harassment and to work together toward a greater understanding of the individual differences, which makes Rumsey a more diverse, more interesting, and stronger community.  Demeaning emails, postings, statements or materials, uninvited physical advances, intimidation, or hazing and threats undermine a community that promotes emotional, physical, and intellectual self-respect. Anyone who feels harassed should report the situation to a school official.  When situations are reported, the offended individual will be consulted, and the School will respond to the situation.

Rumsey Hall School is committed to maintaining a positive environment for its students, faculty and all members of our community.  We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind by or toward any student, faculty, employee or visitor to the campus on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity of expression, race, color, religion, national origin, age or any other protected class status under applicable law.  Such behavior creates a harmful school environment and may be a violation of law. Verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct by a student or any member of the school community relating to an individual’s protected class status (e.g. sex, race, religion etc.) which results in an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment is prohibited. Any student who engages in sexual or other forms of protected class harassment may be subject to disciplinary action, up to expulsion.

Bullying - Bullying is a repeated act or communication (verbal, electronic, or written), including repeated physical acts or gestures, by one or more students directed against another student.  While any mean spirited behavior violates school rules, bullying is distinct in that it is repeated conduct that causes physical or emotional harm; damages property; places another student in reasonable fear of harm; creates an intimidating or hostile environment for a student that affects the learning environment of the School; infringes on the rights of another student; or poses a substantial disruption to the educational process of the School.  Bullying includes cyberbullying, meaning any act of bullying through the use of the Internet or other technology.  Bullying is considered a serious offense and grounds for discipline.  Any student who feels he/she has been subjected to bullying, should report concerns to the Dean of Students or the Director of Lower School.

Sexual Harassment – Is conduct that is sexual in nature, is unwelcome and denies or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the School’s educational program.  Sexual harassment can be verbal, nonverbal or physical.  Examples of sexual conduct include, but are not limited to:

Any student who feels he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment, should report concerns to the Dean of Students or the Director of the Lower School.

Inappropriate Adult Behavior - Faculty and school employees are expressly prohibited from initiating or having any sexual contact and/or romantic relationship with any student, whether occurring on or off-campus, at any time. Any student who feels he/she has been subjected to unwanted attention or inappropriate communications or contact, including sexual contact of any kind, (including sexual assault) should report such concerns to the Head of School, Director of Lower School, or Dean of Students.

Rumsey Hall Volunteer(s) - Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting Policy and Procedure

The Child Protection Act specifically requires school officials, employees, and volunteers working for a school-sponsored activity to report (i) known or suspected cases of child abuse or neglect (including emotional, physical, or sexual abuse) or (ii) circumstances which might reasonably result in abuse or neglect.

Reporting child abuse or neglect is a difficult yet extremely important situation for everyone involved. Rumsey Hall School has created this policy and procedure in order to assist in appropriate handling of these situations. Thus, volunteers are asked to follow these procedures.

Definition of Child Abuse: Child abuse is any act or omission which threatens the health or welfare of a child, regardless of whether it is physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. "Physical abuse" may be exhibited by evidence of skin bruising, bleeding, malnutrition, burns, fracture of any bone, or soft tissue swelling. "Sexual abuse" includes any touching of a child's private parts (the "swimsuit area"), whether above or below clothes, for the purpose of sexual gratification. "Emotional abuse" is the identifiable and substantial impairment (or substantial risk of impairment) of a child's intellectual and psychological functioning or development.

Definition of Neglect: Neglect is considered to be failure on the part of a child’s caretaker to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision, or medical treatment.

Reporting Procedures: If a volunteer suspects abuse or neglect, or observes circumstances which might reasonably result in abuse or neglect, he or she must report it immediately to the Head of School, who will then notify social services or assist the employee or volunteer in doing so. Such reporting must be done verbally over the telephone and in writing, and shall be documented on the appropriate “Child Abuse Reporting” form. All reports must be filed as soon as practicable after learning of the abuse or neglect. In most circumstances, the verbal report should be made within 24 hours and the written report within 48 hours.

Child Abuse/Neglect Files: The Head of School keeps a child abuse/neglect file on all students for whom a suspicion of abuse/neglect has been filed. Such documentation may never be stored in teacher or student cumulative files.

Volunteer Obligations: It is not the responsibility of volunteers working at a school-sponsored activity to try to determine the cause of the suspected abuse or neglect, nor is it the responsibility of volunteers to prove that the child has been abused or neglected. A person who reports child abuse or neglect in good faith is immune from civil or criminal liability. In the event that a volunteer working at a school-sponsored activity suspects that another staff member or volunteer is the perpetrator of child abuse or neglect, a report must be filed and submitted to the Head of School immediately upon learning of the abuse or neglect. The Head of School will respond to the incident both as a suspected child abuse case and as a disciplinary issue.


Senior Committee

This organization consists of seniors elected by the senior class. The Senior Committee provides leadership to the student government.  It also advises the Head of School and Dean of Students in disciplinary decisions.

Student Government

IVth-VIIth Forms select at least two students from each form to serve on the student government. This body, in conjunction with the Senior Committee, helps to serve the student body in a wide variety of areas.

Lower School Student Council

The Lower School Student Council is a forum that fosters student leadership, empowers students to make change, and values student input. Council members work to develop special programs, community service opportunities, and spirit activities for their school community. Students take on leadership roles in their classrooms and help to maintain a healthy Lower School community through preventive problem solving. All students in the Ist-IIIrd Forms may take part.


The Lower School Afternoon Enrichment Program provides three seasons of athletics, arts, and academic offerings in Pre-Kindergarten – IIIrd Form daily from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Activities vary seasonally and participation is encouraged but optional. IIIrd Form students may try out for Upper School sports teams.  


Each Upper School student at Rumsey is required to participate in afternoon athletics, Monday through Friday and sometimes on weekends. Rumsey Hall provides the equipment and uniforms for most sports, however certain athletes will be expected to have their own gear.  The School does not supply athletic footwear. Please purchase any necessary footwear and/or equipment before the start of each season. It is a New England Private School Athletic Association recommendation that only molded cleats of plastic or rubber be used in competition.

Friday and Weekend Athletic Commitments

Rumsey Athletics generally compete in contests on Wednesdays and Fridays. In the event of a Friday or Saturday game, the following policy will prevail: A player has an obligation to his/her team and must keep his/her commitment to that team and play in the contest if it is scheduled for Friday or Saturday. Weekends may be taken ONLY AFTER the game is over, and transportation can be arranged.  Varsity athletes must attend all team commitments in order to earn a Varsity letter for the season.  Exceptions may be made for special circumstances if agreed upon by the Athletic Director and Dean of Students in advance.

Athletic Excuses

Athletic excuses may be issued only by the school nurse, athletic trainer, or doctor.  They MUST be in writing and brought to the attention of the Coach and the Athletic Director.  The athlete will spend that afternoon in the Health Center, study hall, or on the athletic field watching his/her team.

Varsity Club

To become a member of the Varsity Club, an athlete must earn six (6) varsity letters during his/her career at Rumsey Hall. A varsity letter may be earned if an athlete is selected captain of a “B” team or if he/she receives a varsity letter for contributions to a varsity team sport. After earning six (6) varsity letters, a plaque is presented at the end of term sports awards to honor this outstanding achievement.

Rumsey’s Code of Ethics and Conduct

As a basic principle, Rumsey believes that the lessons learned from fairly played athletics, whether interscholastic or not, and including games and practices, are of benefit to the students.  The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to define "fairly played" and to provide guidelines for athletes, coaches, and spectators.

Proper Conduct and Good Sportsmanship - At the heart of this matter lie several terms which are often hard to define - yet no more important task confronts teachers and coaches than to set standards that are fair and honorable.  Throughout this Code, when such terms as "proper conduct" and "good sportsmanship" are mentioned, they refer to such standards as these:

Purpose of Athletics at Rumsey - Athletics exists primarily as an essential part of the student's full education.  As an educational process, they serve these purposes:

Guidelines for Coaches

Guidelines for Players 

Guidelines for Spectators

These are the standards, which Rumsey Hall expects all athletes, coaches, and spectators to meet.


Rumsey Hall Athletics offers a variety of competitive and non-competitive athletic options each term (Fall, Winter, and Spring). Please reference the Rumsey Hall Athletics website to review offerings.


Allowances and Money

Students are allowed to have small amounts of money AT THEIR OWN RISK. THERE IS NO NEED FOR STUDENTS TO HAVE LARGE SUMS OF “EMERGENCY” MONEY IN THE DORMITORY. Sums of money over $40 are to be deposited in the student’s account, which is run by the Business Office.  Students may withdraw a maximum of $20.00 per week. If there is a need for extra money, please email permission to Gena Newman at in the Business Office no later than Wednesday of that week. Students may withdraw money from the account only at scheduled times on Friday each week. The School WILL NOT become involved in disputes concerning borrowing and lending money.


Rumsey Hall’s primary consideration is the welfare of the students.  Therefore the following rules concerning health, cleanliness and respect for property apply:


Laundry service is provided for boarders on a weekly basis. Students must prepare laundry on Monday night for Tuesday pickup.  Laundry is usually returned on Friday. Any problems concerning laundry should be reported to the Dean of Students.  Although the School will help to solve any problems concerning a student's laundry, it will not be responsible for lost or damaged clothing.

There is a $1089.00 laundry service fee for the 2022-2023 school year. This fee includes mending, dry cleaning, and laundry service.  Parents who do not wish to use the laundry service must notify the Business Office, in writing, prior to the opening of school. There will be no credits issued after the opening of school. Please note that there are no washers and dryers on campus for student use.

Packing/Shipping at End of School

The School works with a shipping company for student shipping needs. Boxes will be picked up and will be shipped home or to graduates’ future schools once payment arrangements are made with the company. The School assumes no responsibility for damage to articles during the shipping process.



PLEASE notify the office before 8:00 a.m. if your child is not going to attend classes that day.  This will help keep attendance records accurate.  If a student is late arriving, they should check in at the Lower Office BEFORE going to class.  Day Students may leave early only with permission from the office and parents must communicate their plans to the office. 

Arrival and Pick-up Time

Day students should arrive at school between 7:40 and 8:00 a.m.  Parents should arrange to pick their children up between: Lower School 4:15-4:45 p.m. and Upper School 4:30-5:00 p.m.  Athletics played off the Rumsey campus may result in a later pick-up.  Please check the school website or call the school office for current information.

Upper School Pick-up and Drop off procedures - When a student is dropped off after 8 a.m. or picked up before 4:30 p.m., they must check in to the Lower Office before heading to classes or check out of the Lower Office before departing campus. This ensures an accurate attendance of the students who are on campus and those that are not. Please communicate any planned absences, late arrivals, or early departures with or call 860-868-0535 ext 970

Lower School Pick-up and Drop off procedures - When a student is dropped off after 8 a.m., they must check in to the Lower Office before heading to classes. When leaving during the school day or after school activities, Lower School students taking part in the Afternoon Enrichment Program (Pre-K to IInd Form) need to be signed out on the “Community Clipboard”.  Please communicate any planned absences, late arrivals, or early departures with or call 860-868-0535 ext 970

If sports are canceled due to poor weather, other activities are planned for students.  If a day student must leave early for a medical or dental appointment, we ask that the office be notified twenty-four hours in advance. If a child is absent without the School's knowledge, it will be considered an "unexcused absence."

For obvious safety reasons, it is important that we know the whereabouts of students while they are on campus.  Students are not allowed to leave school early unless there are special circumstances.  Should you receive a phone call from your child asking to be picked up early before sports or activities, please know this is against school policy.  Requests for early pick-up must originate from home.

If your child is being picked up early due to illness, hazardous driving conditions, etc… Please notify the office or call 860-868-0535 ext 970

Doctor/Dentist Appointments

If possible, please schedule doctor or dentist appointments for “after-school” hours so that students do not miss class. Please inform the office in advance of appointments or call 860-868-0535 ext 970

Dinner Sign-Up

Day students are permitted to stay at Rumsey for dinner whenever there is a special occasion.  Students are required to get permission from an administrator by noon.

School Cancellations

Because of the large number of Boarding Students, classes are usually held regardless of weather conditions, but there are certainly times when we may have a delayed start.  Parents of Day Students should use their discretion about traveling to and from school during bad weather. In conditions when a delay or cancellation is necessary, an emergency communication will be sent via email. We will simultaneously send a text message using the contact information in our parent directory. All contact information is strictly secure and confidential and is only used for the School’s purposes. Please note that international phone numbers will not receive a text message.



Each student in the School is assigned a faculty advisor.  The advisor meets with his/her advisees each week individually or as a group in order to discuss grades, effort and school life in general.  Contact with advisors, however, is not limited to those occasions. The student or the advisor may request a conference at any time.  The advisor is the primary contact for parents. Parents should feel free to contact their child's advisor at any time during the year. Lower School homeroom teachers act as advisors to the students in their homerooms.

School Store

The School Store is located in the Campus Center and is open to students during the school day.  The School Store stocks academic supplies, clothing and some articles of personal hygiene.  

School Store Hours:

Students: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.(or first lunch)

Students: Friday—Student Bank from 8:30 a.m. until sports (2:30 p.m.)

Parents: Monday-Friday at drop-off (8 a.m.) or by appointment

Color Teams 

The entire student body is divided into two teams, the Reds and the Blues.  These teams compete on a weekly basis in effort, conduct, community service and athletic categories.  

In the Upper School, students earn points for their teams for being on the Effort List, Dean's List, earning Student of the Month recognition, participating in various “color games”, or for community service.  In the Lower School, students earn points for their teams by participating in numerous community “spirit activities” throughout the school year.

Student Spending Account

Transactions for student spending will be posted to your child's MyKidsSpending account. Over the summer, communication will be sent regarding this account, including required amounts to be deposited on specific dates. Parents should monitor the account to maintain a positive balance at all times.

Religious Services

Students are able to attend online religious services as approved by the parent and the School. When possible, the School will arrange for students to attend religious services in person.

Community Water Systems

The general report on water purity is available in the Business Office.

Senior Visits to Prep Schools

Seniors are encouraged to visit prep schools during the extended Senior Weekend (see Rumsey calendar). Seniors must meet their athletic commitments  and may leave AFTER their contests. Students should try not to miss classes or athletics to visit schools.  If special circumstances arise, a student who will miss classes or athletics to visit a school must give advance notice to Director of Secondary School Counseling Clayton Ketchum, and their teachers and coach. Students are responsible for all in-class and homework assignments.




Rumsey Health Center provides nursing care and first aid treatment for students.

Medical Director: Matthew Abel, M.D.

Office Phone @ CVP: 860-355-8190

Director of the Health Center: Nancy Dalrymple, APRN, RN, MN, MPH

Office Phone: 860-868-0535 (x103)


Director of Nursing: Gerri Gleason, R.N., B.S.N.

Office Phone: 860-868-0535 (x 125)


Health Center Contact:


Phone: (860) 868-0535 (x 154)

Fax: (860) 868-1422

Health Center Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am - 11:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 am - 11:00 pm

*Hours may vary according to school activity schedules.

Rumsey Health Center is open during school hours for treatment of minor student ailments and illnesses. Students are referred to the following: Athletic Trainer, Medical Director, as well as, specialty physicians and local hospitals for injuries or medical needs requiring further intervention.

Rumsey Hall requires all enrolled students to provide proof of health insurance coverage and maintain such coverage during the student’s enrollment. International students must purchase the School’s health insurance policy. It is expected that parents/guardians also update the School regarding any changes in a student’s health insurance while he/she is enrolled at the School. In accepting your proof of insurance coverage, the School does not make any representations or determinations related to the coverage of a student’s health insurance policy or whether such policy provides adequate or sufficient health care insurance coverage for any and all illnesses, injuries or medical conditions your child might experience while enrolled in our School. Though the School will work with parents/guardians in making decisions about accessing appropriate health care, parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for any health care costs not covered by

student health insurance or other policies.

Overnight admittance to the health center is available for students when deemed medically necessary at the discretion of  Rumsey nurses and /or our Medical Director.

On-call nurses address medical concerns outside the Health Center hours. Students are responsible for reporting illnesses in a timely manner and preferably early in the day.


Urgent medical needs are immediately referred to the Emergency Departments at local area hospitals.

Medication Policy

Rumsey Health Center is a licensed infirmary regulated by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health. Medication administration and student medical care must comply with safety standards established by the State.

Medications are not accepted from home, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins or dietary supplements. Medications will be confiscated and held in the health center.  Parents will be notified and the medication will either be 1. held until a parent can pick up the medication or 2. the medication will be thrown out.

Students are prohibited from storing medication, vitamins or supplements in their dormitory or on their person.  Please do not send Multivitamins, Tylenol, Advil, Sudafed, Midol, etc. to school with your child. The Health Center is stocked with a variety of over-the-counter medications as per our Medical Director’s Written  Orders.

Certain medical conditions require a student to possess and self-administer emergency medicine during the school day (ie: asthma inhalers, Epi-Pens, Diabetic supplies). All emergency medicines must be accompanied by an Action Plan found on Magnus Health and  a “self-carry” form if applicable.

International medicine and prescriptions are not accepted by Rumsey Hall School or Towne Apothecary Pharmacy. Medical appointments are arranged by the Health Center as necessary for international students requiring medications.

All Domestic students must submit prescriptions to Towne Apothecary Pharmacy at least 3 weeks in advance prior to arrival on campus. Please note: a change in medication or a new medication may take several days to distribute.  Prescribed medications that are not received promptly may delay the administration of your child’s medicine.

All medications are processed through Towne Apothecary Pharmacy and delivered  to Rumsey Health Center. All prescribed and over-the-counter medications must be submitted directly to the school’s pharmacy as follows:

Towne Apothecary Pharmacy

Office Phone: 203-266-7801

Fax: 203-266-5321

Address: PO Box 9, Bethlehem, CT  06751

Towne Apothecary Pharmacy processes prescriptions through insurance carriers.  If Towne Apothecary does not participate in your insurance plan, or if the claim is rejected by your insurance company, the cost of the prescription will be charged out of pocket.

Parents are responsible for all charges pertaining to prescription medicines, treatments, diagnostic tests, referrals, and transportation for any illnesses and injuries that are not covered by their health insurance plan.

Medication Compliance

The School operates under the premise that medication(s) prescribed

by the physician will help support your child to be most successful during his or her years at Rumsey Hall.  

Parents are responsible for maintaining a supply of medication at home for coverage during school holidays and off campus visits.  Students are not allowed to travel with their medications.



Parents are expected to notify Rumsey Health Center if their child has food or other allergies that may require medical attention. Below is the process the School will follow in gathering and planning for a student with an allergic condition.  Students who may require additional accommodations or other safety plans will be handled on an individual basis.


As per Medical Director’s Written Orders, Rumsey Health Center places stock Epi-Pens in secured First Aid Boxes strategically placed on Campus (i.e., Dining Hall, Gyms  and Dorms). Prescribed and stock Epi-Pens are kept in a secure location at the Health Center.

Food Allergies During Off Campus/Travel:

Mental Health Services

Rumsey Hall School is committed to the health of the overall child including the emotional and mental well-being of its community.  Mental health counseling services are available to all boarding and day students.  Parents should communicate all past mental health/behavioral health interventions with our Counselor, George Webb, prior to the beginning of school. Mental health medications and prescriptions will need to be prescribed by a domestic M.D. or psychiatric mid-level provider. International prescriptions will not be accepted. Finding a mental health prescriber is the responsibility of the parent.  Please refer to the Medication Policies listed above for all medication distribution.

Recreational Activities

Bicycles - Students are allowed to bring bicycles to school, but must agree to accept responsibility in the following areas:  

Roller blades, Skateboards and Scooters

Outdoor use of rollerblades, skateboards and scooters is permitted on weekdays between 5:00 p.m. and dusk and on weekends if the child has signed permission on the activity form. Strapped helmets must be worn. No motorized scooters, motorized skateboards, or hover boards are allowed.

Movies and Internet Shows

Weekend movie trips are offered to local theaters. The movies selected are rated G, PG or PG13.

Video Games

Students are allowed to play video games rated E (everyone) or T (teen) on personal computers or handheld devices at appropriate times. Students are not allowed to have game systems such as PlayStation or Xbox in their rooms.  

Sex, Drug and Health Education

The school, as an educational institution, feels a responsibility to provide drug, health and sex education for its students.  

Lost and Found

Lost and found is collected in the Study Hall and in the Lower School.  Lost articles can be claimed each day.  Periodically, a handout is made at the morning meeting or at recess.  To make matters easier, it is suggested that ALL BELONGINGS BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE STUDENT'S NAME. STUDENTS MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN BELONGINGS.  The School will not assume responsibility for lost, missing or stolen items.


The following prizes are awarded at the end of year Award Ceremonies or Commencement each year:

Prizes for the Top Scholars In Each Form (I – VII)

The Edward B. Whitney Prize for Excellence in Declamation 

Annual Dining Hall Prefect Award

Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Scholarship

With name engraved on the Moran Cup

Charlotte Underwood Library Award

To the Library prefect who, by the diligent and conscientious performance of his or her duties, has most significantly contributed to the efficient handling of the Rumsey Library.

Prize for the Boarding Scholar Having the Best Conduct Record

Awarded to a male and female with their names engraved on the Tyson-Barnes Cup

Lawrence Larkin ‘16 Technology Achievement Award

 A prize established in l983 by Lawrence Larkin, Class of l9l6,

 given annually to the boy or girl who has shown the highest

 level of appreciation, understanding and usage of technology. .

Richard M. Wachcic Junior Athletic Award

Established by the parents of Robert Jordon Flatow and awarded to

a male and female member of a junior athletic team who best exemplifies those

qualities of character, sportsmanship and leadership which Richard

Wachcic inspired in the hearts of his players as a Rumsey Hall coach.

Greatest Improvement in Athletics

Presented to a male and female athlete

Best All-Around Male and Female Athletes

Presented to a male and female athlete

Outstanding Scholar-Athletes  

Presented to a male and female athlete with their names engraved on the John E. Calhoun Honor Cup

The David Lloyd Memorial Prize

Awarded to that student whose love of books and learning, and whose thoughtful, kind and gentle disposition personify the exceptional contributions to the Rumsey Hall community of former teacher and administrator, David Loyd.

J. Mitchell Magnoli Memorial Award

Given in memory of Mitch Magnoli, a student at Rumsey from l967 to l977, son of former Head of School Louis G. and Janice Magnoli. This award recognizes that member of the VIth Form whose spirit and attitude exemplify the Rumsey values of honesty, kindness, and respect which Mitch believed in so strongly. Mitch was many things to many people.  Most significantly, he had a sense of humor, was genuinely nice, hard working and charitable.

Rose Algrant Memorial Award

Given in honor of a beloved French teacher at Rumsey who served on the faculty from 1942-1985.  This scholarship is awarded to that Rumsey student who has demonstrated exceptional appreciation and enthusiasm for the study of a foreign language.

Memorial Award

An honor and prize established by a classmate in memory of William Wait Clements, Class of l924.  The prize is awarded to that student whose example of steady industry and firm citizenship has earned the respect of the faculty and the trust of his or her classmates.

The Faculty Cup

Awarded to that scholar in the Senior Class recognized by the Faculty for his or her consistent academic achievement, loyal commitment to the Rumsey Hall community, and service in support of others.

Alfred L. Hart, II ’65 Fine Arts Award

An award for effort and interest in the arts, given by Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Hart in memory of their son, a former Rumsey Hall student, who, as an actor and poet, devoted himself to search for the meaning of life through the arts.

Ryan J. Whelan ’89 Memorial Award

An award established by family, friends and classmates, to honor the memory of Ryan Whelan, Rumsey Hall Class of 1989, faculty member from 1998 until 2002.  This prize is awarded to that student whose character and conduct reflect the values of teamwork and friendship that Ryan believed in so deeply and demonstrated through his actions.


The Scott Evans Seibert ’92 Memorial Award

Scott Evans Seibert was the permanent class president of the Class of 1992.  He was best known for his warm smile, his concern for others and his gentle caring ways.  He put the needs of those around him above his own in a most genuine, natural way.  Scott knew at a young age that family and friendships were what mattered most in life.  This award was established by Scott’s family and friends in celebration of his life and in recognition of the wonderful work of the Rumsey Hall teachers.

The Duff Community Service Cup

Recognizes exceptional volunteer service by a student who shares time and talent to enrich the lives of others in surrounding communities.

Award For Excellence

An honor and prize awarded to that student whose performance in the areas of high academic accomplishment and integrity of character has been consistently in the best tradition of Rumsey Hall.

Marjorie Hull Barr Prize

Established in memory of one, who for many years taught at Rumsey Hall with joy and love in the first three forms.  The prize is awarded to the outstanding citizen-scholar in the Lower School.

Henry B. Van Sinderen Memorial Award

Established for Rumsey Hall in l968 by C. Tenant Sons and Company of New York in memory of Henry B. Van Sinderen, who throughout his long and productive career lived the philosophy of "love thy neighbor as thyself" in word and deed.  He believed in "action for good."  Mr. Van Sinderen was instrumental in establishing the present Rumsey Hall campus and was an inspiring force for the development of America's youth through our school.  As far as enduring good works are a part of immortality, Henry Van Sinderen will live for generations to come through the students of Rumsey Hall.

The Gabriella Bass ’94 Arts Award

Awarded to the senior who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the arts.  The award is given by Mr. Hyman Bass and Ms. Dorothea Goldys-Bass in honor of their daughter, Gabby, a graduate of the Class of 1994.

John F. Schereschewsky, Jr. ’47 Memorial Award

Established in 1978 by friends of Rumsey Hall in memory of John F. Schereschewsky, Jr., Class of l947, Head of School from l965 to l969 and Director from l969 to l977.  As teacher, coach, administrator and friend, John F. Schereschewsky, Jr. brought to each of his activities warmth, intelligence and love for his fellow man.  He was also that rare teacher whose enthusiasm never waned, but rather increased year by year.  Whether it be student, associate, parent or friend, he sought the best for them and was willing to give full measure of his talents to help bring this about.  Those whose lives he touched are richer human beings for having known him.

Prize for Perseverance and Worthy Endeavor

In memory of Mr. J.H. Murch, a former master at Rumsey Hall, late

Head of School of Princeton Country Day School. With this cup goes the honor of having the winner's name engraved on the Murch Cup.

Award For Leadership

An honor and prize awarded to that student who has shown steady acceptance of responsibility for his or her own actions, and whose influence has been cast in persistent, effective support of the basic spirit of Rumsey Hall.

Award For Merit

An honor and prize awarded to that scholar who, throughout his or her Rumsey Hall career, has consistently shown in praiseworthy action an acceptance of duty before privilege in the fields of academic study, service to his or her school community and steadfast effort for good.

The Cody Montana ’08 Memorial Paddle Out Award
In 2008 the School theme, Paddle Out, encouraged students to discover their gifts, share their talents, and get involved.  Instead of just standing on the beach watching, Paddle Out!  Cody Montana embraced a Paddle Out philosophy, enriching the community with his infectious smile and fearless passion for life.  The Montana Paddle Out Award is presented to that student whose attitude and actions reflect Cody’s joyful spirit and his natural ability to always see the best in others.                

Head of School's Cup

The highest honor awarded by the school to a student is the engraving of his or her name on the Head of School's Cup, and the awarding of a prize cup established by Mrs. John Rumsey Sanford and her daughters, Mrs. Tankersley and Mrs. MacLeod, in memory of the founder of the school, Lillias Rumsey Sanford.  Annually this honor and prize is awarded to that scholar, who by his or her attitude, conduct and achievement has done the most to promote the best interests of Rumsey Hall, and who is held by the faculty to have exerted a consistent influence for good on his or her fellows.

Other End of Year Awards:

Effort List (Upper School only) and Dean’s List Prizes (Upper and Lower)

Best Male and Female Track Athletes

Norm Couch Fishing Prize

Dorm Citizens of the Year

Sixth Form Batons

Departmental Awards

President’s Education Awards

Other Awards:

The Matthew C. Kraft ‘09 Memorial Award for Leadership

This award, established in 2021 by the Martin family and others who knew and loved Matt, is given annually to a VIth Form student. The award is intended to fund a student outdoor leadership trip the summer prior to their senior year. With this trip in Matt’s memory, the student can experience a challenging and transformative outdoor experience, while learning so many of the values that Matt embodied.

The P.W. Tate Brown Award for Creative Writing, established in 2018 by Headmaster Emeritus Thomas and Ashley Farmen, honors the pivotal role Tate Brown played as Rumsey Hall’s visionary Chair of the Board of Trustees from 1980 -1990.  

The prize is presented to that member of the Senior Class who demonstrates noteworthy passion and talent for creative writing, which Tate Brown encouraged as a volunteer teacher at the School.  The recipient accepts responsibility for designating a non-profit organization to receive a charitable donation in memory of Tate Brown.

While recognizing creative writing talent, the award is also meant to cultivate in students the importance of philanthropy as a way to make a positive impact in the world, as demonstrated by Tate Brown’s generous, thoughtful example at Rumsey Hall School.


I understand that until my obligation to pay the fees, tuition, and charges is fulfilled, the student may not be allowed to take final exams or participate in Commencement Exercises and may be denied credits earned, including those credits earned towards the fulfillment of the School’s graduation requirements. I also understand that the student’s term grades, comments and transcripts shall be withheld if I am not current on all payments due. I agree to pay the collection costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the event any action is brought to enforce collection of tuition, fees, and charges payable under this agreement.  I understand further that interest at the rate of one (1) percent per month (12 percent annual rate) will be added to all accounts over 60 days old. The meaning and effect of this contract will be determined according to the laws of the State of Connecticut. 

A transcript or records shall not be sent to any school or institution until all charges (including incidentals) have been paid in full.”



Gregory Loss (P’18, ‘19, ‘22)                 Nicholas Logothetis ‘03

Woodbury, CT                                Washington, DC

Vice Chair                                                Adrienne Lufkin (P’20, ‘24)

Suzanne Blaicher (P’23, ‘23)                                              Washington, CT


Treasurer                                Gregory Matthews (P’18)

John Fauster (P’19)                                New Preston, CT

Livonia, MI                                

                                         Anne Murdica (P’24, ‘26)

Secretary                                                    Litchfield, CT

Gregory Warner (P’17)                        

New York, NY                                Alex Murphy ‘00

                                        Rowayton, CT

Thomas Allen (P’23)

Watertown, CT                                Catherine O’Dwyer (P’23, ‘25, ‘27)

                                        Litchfield, CT

Lauren Booth (P’13, ‘15, ‘19, ‘27, ‘27)

Roxbury, CT                                Director of Advancement, Ex Officio

                                        Ben Pastor

Graham Cole

Pennington, NJ                                Keefe Rafferty ‘07

                                        Cohasset, MA

Head of School, ExOfficio

Ian Craig                                        Elizabeth Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout

                                        Bloomfield, CT        

John Eren ‘97 (P’28, ‘31)

Bethlehem, CT                        


Associate Head of School, Ex Officio

Brooke Giese (P’23, ‘27)                        Danelle Placella, non-voting


Manuel Grullon ‘00                                

Santo Domingo, DR                        Julie Fredlund, non-voting

                                        Recording Secretary

Abraham  Joseph (P’29, ‘30)

Litchfield, CT                        


Ian Craig, Head of School

Brooke  Giese, Associate Head of School

Robert Brenner, Director of Lower School

Scott Blum, Director of Facilities

Richard Butler, Director of Residential Life

Nancy Dalrymple, Director of the Health Center

Steven Dodge, Director of Technology

Laura Stubbs, Director of Communications

Clayton  Ketchum, Director of Secondary School Counseling

Jennifer Kolpak, Director of Enrollment Management

Ben Pastor, Director of Advancement

Philip Perreault, Dean of Students


Jay Przygocki, Athletic Director

    Danelle Placella, Chief Financial Officer



Danielle Young (P'22, '23, '26)

Bridgewater, CT


Kady Nicksa (P’26)

Burlington, CT

Communications Coordinator

Ledlie Mosch '92 Pastor (P'27, '29)

Washington Depot, CT

Recording Secretary

Millie Perry (P’27)

Washington, CT  


Kate Eren (P’28, '31)

Bethlehem, CT

Upper School & Community Coordinator

Robin Izadpanah (P’26)

Washington, CT

Lower School Coordinator

AnaCristina Joseph (P’29, '30)

Litchfield, CT


Dear Old Rumsey

Down in the valley where the trout stream lies,

Dreams of my childhood days gone by,

Down where the Berkshire foothills end,

Lies not a school, but my dearest friends.

I want to go back to Dear Old Rumsey,

Hearin' ya' call, I'm comin' back to you next fall.

My home in the Glen, in the Shepaug Valley

Even though I was small then

I felt so tall when I went to Rumsey Hall.

Remember football, Clef Club, Red and Blue.

Effort List and Bromley, too.

Since I've been away from you,

Life's been one long weekend blue. Please

Carry me back to Dear Old Rumsey.

I had a ball those lovely years I spent at Rumsey.

Down on the banks of the Bantam River.

Even though I was small then

I felt so tall when I went to Rumsey Hall--to Rumsey Hall.

Words and Music by Downey Stancs

P’70,’71,’73,’75,’76, GP’08, ‘11