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1984 Sumary and prep for Audition
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Winston Smith, living under the totalitarian rule of the Party, has the idea of writing a diary. It is a crime punishable by death and there is no way of knowing if he is being watched. He imagines two futures—in one, a future readership in a free society think of him as a hero; in the other he is caught, executed and forgotten. Perhaps both things are true.  So ask yourself, what are the real consequences of freedom in a trapped world? Is it worth it?


Winston: Pre-cast

O’Brien: authoritative politician, smooth, unflappable, almost kindly but with the quiet zeal of a true believer; not quite God, but on the way; benevolence is essential, far better than malevolence; we want to trust him and understand why Winston is drawn to him; he is intelligent, articulate, convincing, with a speed and clarity of thought; good at his job; physical presence is an asset.

Julia: confident, sparkly, sexual, free spirited; is she a devoted lover and revolutionary who hates the Party, or a double agent working for the Thought Police?; enigmatic, hard to read, may not be trustworthy; holds the potential of aggression and sharpness; a complex role which requires grit and simplicity in the playing.

Charrington: appears to be in his sixties when we first meet him, but is revealed later to be younger; a bit of a wizard, magic and sparkly; a 'prole' shopkeeper; lower status and lower class; somewhat unpredictable, unreadable and may not be trustworthy.

Host: Holding a gathering of people to inspect the written accounts of Wintson. The host is  - a host.

Martin: is enigmatic, untrustworthy, threatening in presence and in person; his appearance may have been altered; he may not be a real person or be disguised; an active observer, he remains constant as the world shifts around Winston; he has the solid confidence of a man who knows exactly what’s going on.

Prole Mother: maternal, the frightened, tired mother of an over-zealous child, she is also Winston’s mother and a lower-class Prole woman; lower status, likeable, preferably of larger build; a good soulful singer but not polished.

Prole Father: paternal, the frightened, tired mother of an over-zealous child, lower-class; lower status, likeable; humble

Prole Child: at other times she may be Winston's younger sister, wary, hungry, afraid.

Person: Curious Observer of the past. This person is completely fascinated that a world like the one Winston lives in is Truthful.

Mr. Parsons proud Parent of the child; simple-minded, poorly educated, keen, enthusiastic, low status; cheerful, uncomplicated, unquestioning.

Mrs. Parsons: proud Parent of the child; simple-minded, poorly educated, keen, enthusiastic, low status; cheerful, uncomplicated, unquestioning.

Parson’s Child: member of the 'Spies', a kind of Hitler Youth, who are trained to inform on neighbours and family members; sparky, fearless, frightening and hard; at other times she may be Winston's younger sister, wary, hungry, afraid.

Syme: a nerdy, word-obsessed, precise, anxious worker-ant; his fanatical admiration for Big Brother will be his downfall.

Emmanuel Goldstein: He is the principal enemy of the state according to the Party of the totalitarian Oceania. Murdered.

Throughtcriminal: has unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict the dominant ideology of Oceania. Murdered.

Screen Announcer: Ever-present telescreen commentator who keeps members of the party up to date on what new Big Brother wants the people to know.

Exercise Leader on Telescreen: Demenading and authoritative as they lead daily exercises or all party members.

Audition pieces on next pages:

Audition Pieces to Prepare

HOST: This is the moment. A thought develops into action and everything that follows becomes inevitable. Despite the consequences of doing so, as the pen touches the paper, this man is attempting to change the world. And for this account… whether it was actually written in 1984, as the first page claims, well - I wish I knew. There’s just no evidence. We do that Winston himself never existed - outside the book anyway. He’s imagined.

MARTIN: Once you finish the book you become a different person.You don’t feel the same. You don’t think the same. It changes everything. And it will always be true. It’s a vision of the future no matter when it’s being read. You’re seeing yourself in it because it’s opaque. It’s a mirror. Every age sees itself reflected. (cheerfully - like making a toast)) Victory Gin!


O’BRIEN:  Power is inflicting pain…tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again. Do you begin to see what kind of world we are creating? It will be a world of fear and treachery and torment. Progress in our world will be a progress toward more pain. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy. Everything! If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stepping on a human face—forever. That is the world we are preparing. A world of victory after victory. And you will accept it, Winston, welcome it…become part of it.

FATHER / MOTHER: It’s a warning. It’s a call to arms. He wants us to resist. To shut off all the screens and take to the streets. To look at the world and say, this isn’t good enough. The way things are. The infringements on our liberty. The corruption. The lies. He wants us to do whatever it takes. To quote the, er, well at one point, it says, “We should never have trusted them. We should never have trusted them.”

Mother Sing  (start at 0:50) Acapella 

Lyrics: They stole my heart away. They say that time heals all things. They say you can always forget. But the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist my heartstrings yet.

CHILD: (Pointing at neighbor) THOUGHT CRIMINAL! Remain still. You;re a traitor. You’re a thought criminal. Arent; you? You know you are. I know you are. She knows. (To Woman) Can I have some chocolate? (To Neighbor) THOUGHT CRIMINAL! (To Woman) I want to watch the executions. NOW!

PERSON: But what it so beautifully demolishes is the whole notion of objective truth, of there being one set, true reality. How do you know anything in this world is real?


JULIA: Being here. What we just did. It was a political act. They want to abolish sexual pleasure. It’s a threat to them. No love except love of Big Brother. No loyalty except to the Party. They keep everyone too miserable to notice what’s going on. But once you see it - The Brotherhood, Goldstein, the war - it’s all made up. Fiction. The hardest thing during the Two Minutes of Hate is to not laugh. What you say or do doesn’t matter. Only feelings matter. We’re not dead yet. I’m REAL. I EXIST. This is me. This is my hand. This is my heart. We destroy the Party with tiny acts of disobedience. Secret happiness.

*SYME:  We’re cutting the language down to the bone. The Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary won’t contain a single word that will become obsolete before the year 2050. A beautiful thing—the destruction of words. Absolutely the best way to control thought. Of course, verbs and adjectives are the easiest to destroy…and, nouns, too. Take “good.” What need is there for a word like “bad”? “Ungood” will do just as well…better, in fact, because it is the exact opposite. Simple, isn’t it? In the end the whole notion of good and bad will be covered actually by one word. See the beauty of it? Of course, it was Big Brother’s idea originally. 


*PARSONS (THE WORKER) :  You know what that girl of mine did last Saturday? Pleased as punch! Her troop are on a hike out Providence Way. Two of her friends go with her and they all slip off -- following this man, They keep on his trail for two hours, right through the woods, right through the countryside, and when they get into Spring Valley, they hand him right over to the authorities. My kid made sure he was some kind of enemy agent. Might have parachuted in or something. But this is the part that’s really fantastic. What put her on to him in the first place? He was wearing a funny pair of shoes. So, chances are he was a foreigner. Pretty smart, right? Pretty smart for a seven year old.


I never knew I had a bad thought in my head. I was sleeping.I was talking in my sleep. Shouting. Down with big brother! Down with Big Brother! Down with Big Brother! How do you think they knew? My little girl! Listened through the keyhole. Went right to the authorities first thing in the morning. Pretty smart for a seven year old. She’ll be right in front when they shoot me. You know what I’m going to say right at the end? “Thank you for saving me before it was too late” (sees something terrifying)  NO! PLEASE NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT! I’LL CONFESS TO ANYTHING. SHOOT ME. CUT MY THROAT! ANYTHING BUT ROOM 101!

*PARSONS (THE PARENT): (To neighbor) I’m so sorry. (To Child) Could you please stay in the apartment. I don;t know how many times I have to - (To neighbor) You are Winston. You work with my husband? We live next door. It’s just me, Comrade Parsons? Are you alright? (About child) She’s just a bit enthusiastic, I’m afraid!. Hasn’t been out today. Youth League tomorrow - Gives them a chance to -


*CHARRINGTON:  You’ve got a good eye. The diary. Well, keepsake album. Beautiful bit of paper, that is. Cream-laid, it used to be called. There’s not been any paper made like that for… oh, I’d say fifty years. You’re not the first Party Member in here. Last lot took the glassware. And the metal pieces. To melt them down, you understand. But, you’re different. I knew that right way. I’ll sell it to you. None of my business what you need it for. The one place in the world where the past still exists. My shop. Antiques. As was: anyway. No one wants old things anymore.

The following acting parts may be recorded or performed live behind a company made (plexi-glass) Screen, depending on Covid Conditions.

TELESCREEN ANNOUNCER: Attention Comrades! The Ministry of Peace has learned that the Brotherhood is plotting a major attack. Big Brother has raised us to high alert. Remain Vigilant. Brotherhood members, or Goldstein, could be uncovered in your building. Big Brother is watching you.

TELESCREEN EXERCISE LEADER:  And resuming. Stand up straight. Arms bending and stretching! Tkw you time by me, one, two, three, four! One, two… 6-0-7-9 Smith, W… Yes, you. With your head on the table. Stand up when I am speaking to you! Now, tough your toes. You’re not trying! Lower please!

GOLDSTEIN: Friends…Countrymen of Oceania. I am Emmanuel Goldstein. Your ex-leader and still your friend. I am still fighting for your liberty, your freedom, your hope. I am no traitor. In the past I was one of the leaders of your Revolution. Today I am in hiding…sometimes in exile…but eternally working for your liberation. Big Brother is false to you. He has usurped power. He is a ruthless, bloody tyrant. He lies. He talks of a new happy life while he starves your bodies and denies your souls. Remember the past. Cast off your chains! Down with Big Brother! Down with Big Brother!


COLD READS                                         

O’Brien and Winston Pg 51(printed 37)

Winston and Julia Pg 44 (Printed 30)

Script: may be accessed here  (You will need to request access)