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Communicable Disease Policy (EffectiveJune 2020 - Present)
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Rumsey Hall Health Center

Communicable Disease Policy

Effective: June 2020 - Present


To promote the health and safety of Rumsey Hall School’s community and to limit the spread of infectious diseases, any student displaying symptoms including a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (or higher) (38 degrees Celsius or higher) will be admitted for evaluation and observation at the Health Center.

Should symptoms of a contagious disease present, Parent(s) / Guardian(s) will be contacted by the Health Center.

It is our school’s policy that students must leave campus promptly in order to minimize the spread of any potential infectious disease.

For students who require admittance beyond 24 hours every effort will be made to send them home or to their local emergency off-site contact until their temperature remains below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Ibuprofen (Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Along with no fever - the student must look well, act well and feel well, in order to return to campus.

Communicable diseases include, but are not limited to:

In the event of a communicable disease diagnosis, the Health Center will follow the guidance of the school’s Medical Director to determine when it is appropriate for the student to return to school.

The School reserves the right to exclude any student who has a communicable illness, has been exposed to an infected person or is susceptible due to non-immunity, in the event of a vaccine-preventable or other communicable disease incident.

Any student removed from campus due to a communicable disease, must get clearance from the Rumsey Hall Health Center before returning to campus. This requires a doctor’s note permitting return to school and documentation of the treatment plan for the child. Rumsey Health Center reserves the right to delay a student’s return to campus based on a nurse assessment and/ or the discretion of our Medical Director.