Martlet Family Network Volunteer

Welcome parents of newly enrolled students to Westminster, answer their questions, remind them of key events, and build a stronger sense of community.

Young Alumni Career Network Volunteer

Volunteers can help by serving as a panelist on virtual career/industry panels, or they can sign up to participate in Westminster’s flash and/or micro-mentoring programs. This is a great opportunity for parents to engage no matter where they are located.

Family Friends Volunteer

Build community between international and local Westminster families and help international families feel more readily connected to life on campus.

Welcome & Hospitality Volunteer

Welcome new families to campus during Opening Days in the fall. Volunteers also play a key role during fall and winter Parents and Family Weekend events by greeting families at the registration table, greeting families in hospitality areas, and welcoming families to form- or parent-specific gatherings.

Parent Engagement Event Host

Host a gathering for other parents in your local area. Events are typically held as an evening reception, and can be hosted in a parent’s home or at a local restaurant or venue.

Parent-to-Parent Solicitation Volunteer

Reach out to other families (typically in their child’s form) to encourage participation in giving to The Westminster Fund, which helps to underwrite the school’s annual operating budget. Parent volunteers are especially helpful with outreach during the fall and spring giving days, when they send emails or make calls to other parents.

Parent Stewardship Volunteer

Volunteers help write thank you notes to other families for supporting The Westminster Fund, particularly following the fall and spring giving day events.

Admissions Volunteer

Admissions Volunteers can be asked to take on various roles such as hosting or attending an admissions event for prospective students and parents, helping with Revisit Days, or hosting or attending summer send-offs for new families.