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Summer Camp 2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

ZKids Summer Camp

  (616) 748-4711 Office

(616) 748-3005 Billing

Transportation (Field Trip Days) (616)748-3425


Zeeland Public School Summer Camp is open to Zeeland Public school students who are 5 years of age, through entering the sixth grade or 11 years and 6 months of age by June 12, 2024.  Registration for the Zeeland Public School Summer Camp begins Feb 1, 2024.  ZPS Summer Camp operates on a first come, first serve basis.  

A non-refundable $50.00 registration fee, for each child, is due at the time of registration, as well as the completed registration packet.  

Each child enrolled in Zeeland Public School Summer Camp must have the following completed and on file before attending:

* Child registration form                        * Child medical information

* General permission form                        * Schedule of attendance

* Immunization records must be on file with school


Quincy Elementary School is the site for Zeeland Public School Summer Camp.  We will operate five days a week, Monday through Friday.  Camp will begin Wednesday, June 12, 2024.  Last day will be August 10, 2024. Closed July 4,5. Our center is open at 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily


Payments for ZPS Summer Camp are due on Monday every week.  Payments are to be made in the form of checks or money orders only, online or autopay.  Cash is not an acceptable form of payment.  Checks need to have the weeks listed in the memo area that the payment is for and the child’s name written on them. Families will be billed for the days they signed up for during registration.  This amount will remain consistent throughout the summer.  Families are required to pay the weekly fee regardless of sick days or unexpected schedule changes.  A three-week written notification is required for any schedule changes.  

If your child (ren) is/are on DHS, all forms must be turned in before your child can start summer camp and we must have a confirmation letter from your child’s caseworker.


$50.00 Registration Fee (per child) – due at the time of registration

Weekly Payment

Four or more days per week:  $210.00 per week


Second Child Rates

Four or more days per week:  $190.00 per week

Third Child Rates

Four or more days per week:  $170.00 per week

Part Time Rates

3 or less days per week: $50.00 per day, per child

Multi-child rates do not apply to daily rates

**Parents, please indicate who you are paying for on your check in the memo area.  If your last name is different from your child’s, please write that down for us on the memo as well.  If you are divorced or paying ½, please let us know so that we can get it straight in our billing books.  The more information you can provide for us, the easier it is.

Statements:  Upon request.  


A written withdrawal notice is expected three weeks in advance if your child will be withdrawn from the program.  You will be responsible to pay for those three weeks regardless if your child continues to attend or not.

ZPS Summer Camp reserves the right to dismiss a child if any of the following situations exist:

  1. Tuition becomes past due
  2. Child is not following the guidelines of the program
  3. Any other problem/issue that would be seen as detrimental to the program or to other children


Our goal is to make child care available to all children regardless of the family income.  If you think you may qualify for assistance please call the Ottawa County FIA.

If your child is on DHS, all paperwork must be turned in before your child will be allowed to attend summer camp.


       Breakfast and snack menus (subject to change) will be posted weekly in the multi-purpose room.

A sack lunch (including morning snack) must be provided from home each day.  The children are outside a lot in the sun.  It is best to pack juice or water to help prevent dehydration, as well as a hat.  Please be sure to pack lunches in a paper, disposable bag with their name on it.  Lunches are kept in a cooler, therefore they do not need to bring thermal lunch bags.  Using paper bags helps make more room in the coolers for everyone’s lunch.  

       If your child has any dietary restrictions or allergies, be sure to specify this on the registration forms.

We need to plan menus accordingly.


Parents/guardians are responsible for signing in and out” your child on the attendance sheet/ipad each day using their full name.  Parents/guardians are also responsible for bringing their identification with them at all times.  Our staff reserves the right to check identification at any time for the safety of your child(ren).  Children will not be allowed to leave ZPS Summer Camp at any time on their own.  This applies to all children, even those within walking distance.  Please check parent bulletin/white boards daily for information.

All parents dropping off and picking up will have to do the volunteer background check to come into the building, please use this link:

Volunteers - Zeeland Public Schools Home (


Only the person whose name appears on the release form will be allowed to remove a child from the center.  .  This is for the child’s protection.  Inform the ZPS Summer Camp in writing, of any changes or additions to this list.

All parents dropping off and picking up will have to do the volunteer background check to come into the building, please use this link:

Volunteers - Zeeland Public Schools Home (

Parents/guardians are expected to pick up their child on time. $20.00 Late fees will be assessed for  late pick up (Eg. 0-15 minutes late $20.00 15-30 minutes late $40.00).

If a pickup has not occurred at designated closing time, ZPS Summer Camp staff will:

*Call parent/guardian at home                *Call other identified persons listed

*Hold child 30 minutes before calling Protective Services


The staff will focus on the positive behaviors of the children and reinforce those behaviors as often as possible.  Our goal is to help the children develop self-control and responsibility for their actions.  

Classroom rules will be discussed at length with students...  Generally, it is expected that the rule for school and playground is one of sharing and cooperation.  If inappropriate behavior occurs, the child will be dealt with in a positive manner.  Parent contact will be made if necessary.  If the behavior persists, continued placement will be discussed with the parent, and director.  

Our discipline procedures will consist of the following strategies:

  1. Encouraging children to use their words when having a disagreement with another child.  Facilitating children in their attempts to settle their own disputes.
  2. Redirecting behavior when this seems potentially effective.
  3. Separating a child from the group – one minute for each year of age.
  4. Counseling children individually about their behavior.
  5. Making parents aware of disciplinary concerns.

Behavior Levels

Level 1:   No intentional harm:  examples include

These Level 1 behaviors will result in the student completing a Time to Think form with a staff member.  Continued Level 1 behaviors may result in dismissal from the program

Level 2:  Could harm or hurt:  examples include

These Level 2 behaviors will result in Time to Think form, parent contact, and conference.  Continued Level 2 behaviors may result in dismissal from the program.  

Level 3:  Deliberate aggression:  examples include

These Level 3 behaviors result in parent contact and immediate dismissal from the program.

Any of the above behaviors which require parent contact may require early pick up from the program.  Parents are required to pick up their child 30 minutes after contact has been made.  Dismissal from the program may occur, if the child is not picked up within 30 minutes.


When ZPS Summer Camp administers medication, the following provisions shall apply:

  1. Medication can be administered only with the written permission.  (We follow the ZPS Medication Policy).   All medical forms must be filled out, before any meds can be administered.  Prescription medication shall have the pharmacy label intact.  This label should include the physician’s name, child’s name, instructions, names of medications, and amount of medication.  The medication will be given in accordance with those instructions.  Over the counter medication must have the child’s name clearly written on it.
  2. The medication shall be stored out of the reach of children, and will be returned to the parent or destroyed when it is no longer needed.
  3. The ZPS Summer Camp will maintain a record of any medication given or applied.  This record will reflect two witnesses, amount, and time.
  4. Please see a staff member if you need a medication distribution form at any time.
  5. At no time with your child(ren) be allowed to carry their own medication.


Upon enrollment, we require that each child have an updated standard immunization record on file with the school district.

In the case of an illness occurring during the day, your child will be isolated from the remainder of the group.  At this time, a parent or other designated person will be contacted to pick up the child.  Please inform ZPS Summer Camp staff if your child has, or had, any signs of a communicable disease.


ZPS Summer Camp staff will notify parents of any bumps or bruises that may occur during the day but do not require any medical attention.  Incident reports will be filled out by the ZPS Summer Camp staff describing any substantial injuries.

In case of a serious injury, ZPS Summer Camp staff will immediately contact the parents or another designated person.  If we cannot reach you, the Program Coordinator, or her designee, will take the necessary action.  All emergency phone numbers should be current.


When official notice of emergency weather occurs, all children will be evacuated from the ZPS Summer Camp rooms.

Tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted.  In case of such a warning, all students will relocate to the designated area until the “all clear” signal is given.  Adults will be aware of all weather conditions.

In case of a fire, all children will be removed from the building.  Fire routes are posted in each classroom.  All staff members are aware of the proper procedures.  Children will remain outside of the building until the “all clear” signal is given.  Parents will be contracted if necessary.


Due to the large number of children involved in Summer Camp, children will be divided into age groups.  Each grade will have a group leader.  This will be your child’s homeroom for the summer.  Each time the children take part in an activity as a whole group, the children will have their homeroom group to identify with.  If you have any questions or concerns please stop in and speak with your child’s group leader.

ZPS Summer Camp is staffed by certified staff and paraprofessionals who have training and/or experience in school age childcare.  Most staff members are certified in CPR and First Aid.  As the number of children grows at ZPS Summer Camp, the staff will also increase to maintain our 1:18 staff/child ratio.


They also must have a criminal background check, and comprehensive for fingerprinting, go through Right Start Orientation, and fill out a sheet stating that they have never been investigated for any child abuse and neglect cases. Staff members are mandated to report suspected abuse and neglect.  


We do ask that children dress appropriately for the day’s activities while also dressing comfortably.  We will have days posted that we will ask that your child wear his/her ZPS Summer Camp T-Shirt.  Your child will be unable to attend the field trip if he/she is not wearing his/her T-Shirt on the assigned day.  Please have your child’s name posted on all “outerwear”.  If you are missing an item, check the lost and found.


Girls should not come in spaghetti strap shirts.  Shorts must be as long as your arms are when resting at your sides.  Any clothing that has suggestive or violent language will also not be accepted.  We reserve the right to send any child home if the dress code is not followed.



Any toy or other item brought from home is not the responsibility of ZPS Summer Camp.  It should have your child’s name on it.  No weapons are allowed.  Weapons will be taken away immediately and not returned.  Games Boys will be allowed only on designated field trip days.  Bring them at your own risk.  ZPS Summer Camp is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


ZPS Summer Camp believes that parental involvement is crucial to the success of our program.  Please take time to talk with staff about your child whenever possible.  Parents are invited to visit our program anytime.  You are also welcome on any field trips that we take, please let us know in advance.