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3rd Grade Math Information Letter
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3rd Grade Math Information

Mrs. Konvicka -

Planning Period: 11:30 - 12:15

Please check this DAILY. This is where all assignments, due dates, quizzes, tests, and other important information is written. Please empty the “left at home” pocket. Anything placed in the “right back to school” pocket needs to be completed and returned.

Homework is the page labeled “HW #.#” at the top. The first “#” is the 6 weeks we are in, the second “#” is the week we are in within the 6 weeks. There will be new homework every week, and is always due on the last day of that week. There will be NO HOMEWORK assigned the last week of every 6 weeks!  Not returning homework on time, or incomplete homework, will result in a detention. 

If homework is lost/misplaced, it is the student’s responsibility to acquire another homework that will be located in a labeled bin in the classroom.

The day before an assessment/test, students will be given their weekly packet to complete or go over for extra practice. This is to prepare them for the assessment at the end of each week, and the test at the end of each 6 weeks. Students will be allowed to use these weekly packets during the weekly tests, NOT during the 6 weeks tests.

A different colored paper with cards to be cut out for extra multiplication practice will be sent home as your child passes their color facts. It is our goal to have our rainbow facts (0-12) complete by the end of the 4th 6 Weeks. You may also practice using Reflex at home. Students are encouraged to pass off their facts as soon as possible to ensure fluency comprehension within class.

Students will earn their Basic Facts grade by orally passing off their facts to me.

Students will be allowed to use any of the following opportunities to pass off their facts:

Basic Facts Grading

6 Weeks Grading Period

Multiplication Basic Facts


X0 - X3


X4 - X6


X7 - X9


X10 - X12