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At Wyoming Seminary, we strive to field competitive athletic teams in all of our interscholastic sports. Athletics is about more than just winning and losing and should be an extension of the classroom. The baseball diamond, the basketball court, the ice hockey rink, are venues where we can teach student-athletes character development as well as the values of hard work, sportsmanship, and responsibility that are a vital part of a Wyoming Seminary education.


Competitive athletics can generate a pride in achievement, an appreciation of team effort, hard work, and fair play, respect for rules of the game, and respect for the abilities of others. It should be noted that participation in athletic activities is a privilege offered to and earned by students. As such, there is an expectation that Seminary athletes will abide by certain expectations regarding rules of behavior. Appropriate knowledge of these rules and regulations is brought to life through coaches and athletic modeling of appropriate behavior, dialogue between coaches and players, dialogue between players, and acceptance of consequences for inappropriate actions. Disciplinary action should be educational in nature and although team welfare is the top priority, it is our hope that individuals will learn and grow from their mistakes. With this in mind, the athletic department in conjunction with the coach, the class dean, and the Dean of the Upper School will suspend or possibly remove athletes for major violations of this policy.

- Any violation of Wyoming Seminary’s Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco policies as stated in

the parent/student handbook will result in suspension from 10- 20% of scheduled contests.

- Suspensions are not carried over to the next athletic season or athletic year unless the disciplinary committee recommends otherwise.

- A team captain who is brought before a disciplinary board while in-season will lose their captaincy. If captains are brought before a disciplinary committee out of season, whether or not they will continue to be captains of their respective teams once the season begins will be determined by the coach in consultation with the director of athletics and the dean’s team.


This policy must be signed by the participating athlete and their parents or guardian before the athlete can become a team member of a Wyoming Seminary athletic team.


Print Athlete’s Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________


Athlete’s signature: ___________________________________

Parent’s signature:_____________________________________ Date: ______________

