Update Your Information
Our faculty, staff, parents, and students love to hear from our alumni. If you are an alumnus, please stay connected and complete the form below to update your contact information.
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Email *
In what ways would you like to engage in the Sea Crest Alumni Community? 
Check all that Apply
Follow Us on Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, X)
Attend Alumni Events (friends, fun, and networking)
Become a Mentor (career, sports, education)
Volunteer at Sea Crest (guest speaker, help out)
Join Seals Professional Network (through LinkedIn)
Give back to community and donate
Become a class Ambassador
First Name *
Last Name *
Name when you were at Sea Crest (if different)
Sea Crest Class (EX: Class of 2020) *
Personal Email *
Mailing Address
Phone Number
High School *
Colleges & Degrees (if applicable)
Graduate/Professional Schools & Degrees (if applicable)
Occupation (if applicable)
I would be happy to speak with Sea Crest alumni or students about my experience(s) in…
What type of Alumni Merchandise are you interested in?
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I am interested in volunteer opportunities at Sea Crest
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How did you hear about this survey?
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Do you have any news or updates you would like to share with the community?
Would you like to provide a brief quote about your Sea Crest experience and how you have benefited from it?
Do you know of other Sea Crest alumni who might like to hear from us? If so, please enter their names and email addresses here.
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