Request an Incomplete
This form is used to request an incomplete. Please refer to the current NOBTS Graduate Catalog or Leavell College for "incomplete grade" policies and current fees. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Registrar's office at 504-816-8257.

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First and Last Name *
NOBTS Student ID *
Current E-mail *
Course Year and Term *
ex Spring 2014, Fall 2015
Course ID *
If you do not know the course ID, please refer to or the current Graduate NOBTS catalog.
Course Section *
If you do not know this, please refer to Example: 01, 54, 0084
Course Type *
I have spoken to my professor about about seeking an incomplete grade in his or her class. *
Professor' s Name *
Professor' s E-mail *
Reason For Request *
Read the below policy concerning incomplete grades *
At the end of a semester, a mark of Incomplete shall be placed in the teacher’s record in a case where a student is granted permission to complete any part of the required work after the date set for the examination. Such permission is granted only by the student communicating with the professor and/or the dean's office and only in case of an emergency. The deadline for requests is two weeks following the date set for the examination. If delay is granted, but not extended in view of continuing emergency, the work must be completed during the semester following in a regular session (summer school is not included). There will be no further penalty for delays. If permission is not granted or not exercised during the time set, the work involved will be graded zero. The Registrar’s Office bears no responsibility for incomplete work.
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