GeoMapApp Users' Lunch Application Form
GeoMapApp is a free, map-based data discovery and analysis program that is widely-used across the geosciences for research and education. To update our users on new directions and to provide an opportunity for questions and suggestions, we invite people with experience of GeoMapApp to join us for a GeoMapApp Users' Lunch at the Fall AGU meeting, on Thursday 17th December. Lunch will be provided for the first 20 people to sign up.

Application deadline: 3rd December, 2015. We'll contact you on 4th December with final details.

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Name *
Contact Email *
Institution *
What is your status and field of expertise? *
e.g. Graduate student in seismology, post-doc in marine geophysics, faculty in geochemistry
Please describe your level of experience with GeoMapApp and if you use GeoMapApp for your research, teaching, or both. *
Example 1: I'm a GeoMapApp user who frequently uses many of the built-in functions and data portals as well as the file import capabilities for my research and when teaching labs and lectures. Example 2: I'm an occasional user who uses GeoMapApp for cruise planning and for plotting station locations. Example 3: I'm a fairly new user who has begun to use GeoMapApp in my graduate studies to analyze geochemistry data.
What do you hope to gain from attending the lunch? *
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