CCS Music Conservatory Lessons
If you are interested in taking music lessons at CCS you have come to the right place!  Fill out the form below and someone will get back to you soon.
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Student Name *
Student Grade *
Parent Name *
Parent email *
Parent phone number *
Enrolled at CCS? Homeschooled? Enrolled elsewhere? *
Please let us know what type of lessons you are interested in. *
We offer lessons in piano, voice, band instruments (such as flute, saxophone, trumpet, etc.) and string instruments (such as violin and cello.)
Please let us know what experience you have had so far. *
Are you a beginner with no experience? Have you had lessons before? For how long? Have you ever had lessons at the CCS Music Conservatory? If so, who was your teacher? Tell us as much as possible to help us to make the right assignment for you!
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