Library Summon Search Quiz
Objectives – After viewing this video, you will be able to perform a search for scholarly articles using the Summon search tool, use limiters to improve your results, and save articles to access them later.

***Important*** Instructors: If this quiz is required for a class, please contact Samantha O'Connor at to get an excel sheet of your students' responses.
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Name *
(First and Last Name)
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Class Name & Section: *
1. What does Summon search? *
2. Which limiter do you use to ensure that your articles are timely (i.e. recently published)? *
3. Which limiters do you use to ensure your article is scholarly or academic? *
4. When should you use quotation marks in Summon (e.g. "screen time" instead of screen time)? *
5. How do you evaluate an article in Summon to see if it answers your questions and you understand the author's writing? *
6. How do you save an article for later? *
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