2019 Green Bay Baseball Employment Application
Note: Please review all information before submitting. The information presented here will be used to contact you about employment and related materials like scheduling, training and orientation information, etc. Typos and/or misspellings may result in an inability for Green Bay Baseball to offer employment for the 2019 season. Thanks!
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First Name *
Primary Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number (If Applicable)
Last Name *
Primary Email Address *
Email is our primary way of notifying applicants of employment status, so please be sure to check the email you provide for accuracy before submitting. It is also our primary means of providing necessary employment info like Orientation/Training dates and employee schedules throughout the season.
Confirm Email Address *
Which position are you most interested in with Green Bay Baseball? *
Choose One. Please refer to job descriptions or inquire with a member of Green Bay Baseball staff before answering.
What other position(s) would you be interested in with Green Bay Baseball?
Check All That Apply
If you are interested in a Concessions position, which Concessions area would you prefer to work in?
Check All That Apply
Will you require a work permit? *
A work permit is required before anyone under the age of 18 is allowed to work in any job with the exception of agriculture or domestic service work. Employers must have a work permit on file for the minor being employed before they may allow the minor to begin work.
How did you hear about jobs available with Green Bay Baseball organization?
Have you ever applied with us before? If yes, when and for what position? *
Have you ever been employed by this company? If yes, when and what position did you hold? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain when and for what? *
Are you a legal U.S. citizen? *
Wage Desired
What is your highest level of High School completed?
Clear selection
What is your highest level of College, Trade, or Business schooling completed?
Clear selection
Name of High School
Name of College/University
College/University Major Studies
College/University Degree Achieved
Name of Vocational, Business, or Other School
Vocational, Business, or Other Degree Achieved
List any other special qualifications, knowledge, or skills you may have
List any technical (computer programs, cash register, tools, equipment, etc.) or job-specific skills you may have
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