Honda PACT Institute Application
Thanks for your interest in the ACC's Honda PACT Institute. The Honda PACT Institute is for first-time, full-time students who have achieved a high school diploma or equivalent. An Institute advisor will follow up and help guide you through the registration process. Students interested in the Honda PACT Institute at Austin Community College must first secure admission to ACC.  

Please submit your email address below (if you have an ACC email address, please use that.)
Email *
I am interested in enrolling in the Honda PACT Institute at Austin Community College. I understand that I must first apply to and be admitted to ACC and only then can I request enrollment in this Institute. Please review my ACC records to determine if I am eligible to enroll in the Honda PACT Institute. *
Please indicate below that you understand the Honda PACT Institute represents a commitment on your part to: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Preferred Contact Method *
What region/area are you located in?   *
What high school did you attend? *
Are you a high school graduate? *
When did you graduate?
Other colleges attended (write N/A if you have not attended any college classes). *
College credits completed *
What is your ACC Student ID#? *
Reply "none" if you have not yet applied & received an ACC ID number.
Do you plan to transfer to a four-year institution?
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Why do you want to be in the Honda PACT program? *
You are required to work at a participating Honda/Acura dealership as a part of the ACC Honda PACT Institute.  Do you understand that it will be your responsibility to work with the Honda PACT instructors and staff to secure this employment before classes start. *
This employment fulfills the internship piece of the Honda PACT program.  
Do you plan on finishing the PACT program? *
What is your goal for participation in the PACT program? *
What would you consider a good reason to miss work and/or school? *
Can you tell me about some of the automotive projects that you have worked on and how they turned out? *
What are some of the challenges you have encountered when working on your car? *
A valid driver's license is required for this program. What is your driver's license number and issuing state? *
Please include the state at the beginning.  Example: TX 12353548
If you were given a drug test now, would you pass? *
Do you have any criminal convictions? *
Do you have a clean driving record? If not, please explain. *
How would you rate your technical knowledge on a 1 - 5 scale, with 5 representing an expert? *
What is your shirt size? *
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